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Comment Re:Degree (Score 1) 474

The link in my OP is to their CAPS site--an investment "game" where you can rate whether a company is going to outperform or underperform the market. It also has space for blogs, comments, opinions, the usual articles.

I should have been more specific in my post--you're correct, the Fool has been around for a lot longer than that.

Comment Re:Degree (Score 4, Interesting) 474

because it is a good way to keep a thin attachment to people who are just contacts, but people I don't want to loose touch with entirely.

That's one of the best reasons to be on it. I started using LinkedIn (free, not paying!) to get in touch with old colleagues; that's it, nothing more. Recommendations and invitations are for only people I absolutely know (I reject any others out of hand.)

For any social networking sites, it's the Thermodynamics of Humanity--crap and chaos will increase. AOL, Yahoo Message boards (social, financial, etc.), the garbage always builds up.

On that note, are only a few places I still follow that have stayed "fairly" clean. Joke as much as you want, but Slashdot has stayed pretty close to mission over the years. Groklaw is still pretty good. Motley Fool is still fairly new, but has hung on to it's central theme for a couple of years now.

Think of social networking sites like sex, or dating: Before you sign up, imagine that some Glenn Close nutjob is going to hunt you down and kill your pets, or some pimply teenager is going to show up on your door step 16 years from now at the family reunion shouting, "Dad! Mama tol' me you owed us for that fling all those years ago!"

If those kinds of problems are foreseeable, don't use the sites.

Comment Agree for the same reasons (Score 2, Insightful) 163

The GPL license includes some restrictions on use and redistribution (if don't want it to remain free to all, you could use the BSD license..(IANAL, all the rest, so this is only my personal understanding.)

Being a usual /.er, I haven't read the article, but it sounds like you're talking about a protocol layout--a communication schema. In that case, talking to the IP lawyer would be a good way to go. However, in dealing with the lawyer, don't let them decide "the plan"--you should lay out your plan, and say "Can you make this happen?"

My suggestion for "The Plan" is this:

  • Have the protocol sponsored/supported by your company.
  • License under the GPL so that it can be used free of cost, with appropriate credit for the original coding.
  • Have the reference or baseline code hosted online, freely available (your own servers [big company investment] or at

that leaves a few questions for the IP attorney:

  • Do we need a patent?
  • Patent or not, what steps to enforce the license will be required?
  • How much will this cost the company--best/worst case?

Details like community involvement; retaining the project as a company project only or not; taking donations or "selling"; etc. will come later. None of these are new questions; you might want to talk to some big OSS project administrators to see how their choices are working.

Good luck! It sounds like a lot of fun to be involved in.

Comment Mythology (Score 1) 1397

I haven't seen anyone else post about using mythological names/creatures.

since I'm partial to Norse mythology, I tend to use gods and characters from there. When I run out (or there's not a good fit) I use Greek.

  • Fenris = firewall
  • Hermod = mail server (Norse messenger..also called hermor)
  • Grendel = any big monster machine with horsepower (usually an app or terminal server)
  • Argus (greek) = database or main file server (has the golden fleece)
  • Odin = my machine/laptop--development and admin.

Comment Thin Client experience (Score 4, Insightful) 411

I do IT for a medical practice. What we ended up with was a central server running Fedora and LTS, with thin clients in each of the exam rooms and in the doctor's office.

This had all the benefits of getting the records available in each room without having to go through individual updates. There are still fat clients/full workstations in the office, but those are primarily for the other work--office manager, accounting, etc.

since each grade level is different (different lessons, different requirements), I would suggest having a server either for each classroom, grade level, or department. For example, your math classes would need different software (and access) than your English class. You could even set up your foreign-language classes to have the locale set to the language they teach--the kids would have to learn French, Spanish, Russian, etc to use the computers...and the casual contact with that language would reinforce the lessons.

True, you would lose some of the benefits of "one admin to rule them all," but the software and changes would be compartmentalized--and the Computer instructors could even have more free reign to fix (or damage) their systems as they see fit.

Comment Re:So much for not sacrificing ideals for safety. (Score 1) 906

If you really believed that the government should have less power, you would have split your ticket: i.e. vote for Democratic representative and Republican president, or vice versa.

To be honest, I did vote for a Republican representative...mostly because the Democratic incumbent had voted for telecom immunity.

Why would you assume I voted a straight party ticket either way?

Comment Re:So much for not sacrificing ideals for safety. (Score 1) 906

No, I didn't. I was in the military during the run-up to Iraq, and had been warning my friends (military and civilian) of the possible extremes that the GOP Congress and administration would go to.

Sadly, imho, most of the bad possibilities came true.

The reason I mentioned my party affiliation (soon to be past; I'm going to register independent) was because party "loyalty" is not high on my list...actually, it's not on the list at all. Lesser of two evils is good enough for me; if one candidate is either more agreeable to my positions or a good antidote to the current doofus, he'll probably get my vote.

Obama was (to me) a good repudiation of the former administration's belief and remains to be seen if he's any good at all on his own.

Comment Re:Oh no (Score 1) 906

Unless you actually plan on doing something horrific and are dumb enough to talk about it over a phone this shouldn't be a problem.

So, can you tell me exactly how someone gets on the No-Fly lists? Can you tell me these records will never be used in a civil or criminal case?

What about a joke you made about the pretty new secretary at work 2 years ago--and she ends up kidnapped, killed, and/or raped? If "they" start combing through your past phone conversations, do you think the prosecution would ignore the possibility that you were sexually obsessed with her?

"If you haven't done anything wrong..." is not a good argument. It's about all the ways it can go wrong.

Comment Re:So much for not sacrificing ideals for safety. (Score 5, Insightful) 906

By temperament and voter registration, I'm a Republican; however, I voted for (and hope for) an Obama win because the path the government has taken over the last 7-8 years has saddened and disgusted me. I'm glad he won.

But, I am not a "believer." Now that the opposing party is in charge (just like the GOP was for all those years) it's going to be hard for them to put away all those neat new toys that Bush & Co. left behind. This is because it's hard for the party on top to admit that a power or capability is too dangerous to use (dangerous as in potentially or outright abusive of Constitutional rights.)

If there were ever a prime time to hold your government's feet to the fire over policy, now is the time to do it. Otherwise, it will be fait accompli, and we'll start hearing things from this administration (and its supporters) like, "But we're not Bush; we're better than him!"

Just my inflation-adjusted 2 cents...

Comment Re:routine in Britain (Score 1) 199

Personal family experience: What do you do when you are the one escapee from three generations of Manson family? Every time one of your SOB brothers, sisters, cousins, or creepy Uncle Carl gets into trouble, you get rounded up with the usual suspects and grilled like a cheese sandwich from Mel's Diner!

I've got a sister-in-law who's a great, clean, upstanding citizen. Unfortunately...her family has about 3 generations of DWT spread across 4 counties. Why should she have to recite her family tree and testify to Creepy Uncle Carl's whereabouts on the day in question?

Relative is a relative term...and if it could happen to her, it could happen to anybody.

The Almighty Buck

Submission + - British Columbia to add levy to computers (

An anonymous reader writes: It appears that the province of British Columbia will be levying new computers and home electronics to pay for their free electronics recycling program. The list of what is acceptable for recycling is short, namely computers and TVs — you cannot recycle personal audio players or cellphones. What is unclear is if the definition of "Desktop Computer" includes self-built computers, and if so, their plans for levying individual components.

Submission + - Linus Torvalds Explains Scheduler Decision (

Firedog writes: There's been a lot of recent debate over why Linus Torvalds chose the new CFS process scheduler written by Ingo Molnar over the SD process scheduler written by Con Kolivas, ranging from discussing the quality of the code to favoritism and outright conspiracy theories. KernelTrap is now reporting Linus Torvalds' official stance as to why he chose the code that he did. "People who think SD was 'perfect' were simply ignoring reality," Linus is quoted as saying, going on to explain that he selected the Completely Fair Scheduler because it had a maintainer who has proven himself willing and able to address problems as they are discovered. In the end, the relevance to normal Linux users is two part: one is the question as to whether or not the Linux development model is working, and the other is that with the recently released 2.6.23 kernel we should all notice an improved desktop experience.

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