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Comment Re:Lie detector (Score 1) 57

If you can draw a comic book character, you can invent complex biofeedback machines that read 4 streams of hard data to yield a subjective determination on a subjective statement run through any number of mental processes.

I don't see why one wouldn't give you all the skills for the other.

Comment Re:This is sexist (Score 1, Informative) 158

Oh, no, I wouldn't say that's a problem for a reversed situation either. The society of male nurses is mostly male, for example, because they're specifically addressing concerns of male nurses. There's a natural and not-fundamentally sexist reason for that divide to have some degree of existence.

People do have a need to be concerned with their own interests.

You accuse me of hypocrisy, when the reverse you assert is entirely within acceptable bounds of anyone who isn't a tremendous misandrist. The fact that hypermisogynisic assholes run rampant on slashdot is gravely concerning.

Now if it were, say, an industry, instead of a gender issues organization, that would be cause for alarm and serious work. The problem here is just sexist pretending to care about sexism. And nothing else.

Comment Of course it won't be settled then (Score 0) 37

We'll have more information about the gravity attributes and locations of dark matter, but no deeper insight into how it connects to the physics we DO understand. I'm not trying to be a naysayer, I'm positively thrilled that we're going to find out what we can, but until we can get up close, and determine exactly what ways dark matter interacts with all other forces, its underlying nature will be a bit mysterious.

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