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Comment Re:Not going to help (Score 1) 119

What you wrote doesn't make any sense, it's just uninformed speculation and wishful thinking. The Castro brothers are precisely the ones leading the reforms in Cuba.

As to Russia and China, I fail to see the correlation between Internet access and change of government. The Russian government is in a Medieval conservative rampage, with little opposition. And the Chinese regime enjoys widespread support among the population.

Comment Re:So easy! (Score 0) 597

The problem comes in incentives in the form of subsidies to keep people at the WalMart level.

So, now the incentives are to blame? You are seeing it upside down. If people that will never be able to rise above Walmart level could make a living wage, those subsidies would not be needed.

Comment Re:Not going to help (Score 1) 119

Cuba has a better standard of living than most Latin American counties. And all this despite the stupid, illegal and outrageous US blockade that turns every little thing Cuba wants to do in a painful ordeal.

You just feel butt-hurt for not having Cuba at your disposal to use as cheap farming ground and brothel.

Comment Re:Control vs. Prosperity (Score 1) 119

Allowing Internet connectivity reduces the centralized control that a totalitarian Communist system requires in order to protect the leaders and the system itself from the inconvenience of reality.

It hasn't reduced the protection of our corrupt oligarchy here in the Capitalist world. Quite the opposite, gave them one more tool to spy and control us.

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