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The Military

NSA and Army On Quest For Quantum Physics Jackpot 110

coondoggie sends this excerpt from NetworkWorld: "The US Army Research Office and the National Security Agency (NSA) are together looking for some answers to their quantum physics questions. ... The Army said quantum algorithms that are developed should focus on constructive solutions [PDF] for specific tasks, and on general methodologies for expressing and analyzing algorithms tailored to specific problems — though they didn't say what those specific tasks were ... 'Investigators should presuppose the existence of a fully functional quantum computer and consider what algorithmic tasks are particularly well suited to such a machine. A necessary component of this research will be to compare the efficiency of the quantum algorithm to the best existing classical algorithm for the same problem.'"
Operating Systems

What Normal Users Can Expect From Ubuntu 8.10 511

notthatwillsmith writes "With Ubuntu 8.10 due to be released in just a few days, Maximum PC pored through all the enhancements, updates, and new features that are bundled into the release of Intrepid Ibex and separated out the new features that are most exciting for Linux desktop users. Things to be excited about? With new versions of GNOME and X.Org, there's quite a bit, ranging from the context-sensitive Deskbar search to an audio and video compatible SIP client to the new Network Manager (manage wired, Wi-Fi, VPN, and cellular broadband connections in one place)."

Comment Re:Sample group of 246 does not a statistic make.. (Score 1) 397

Mark Twain did not say that first, in fact, he attributed it (incorrectly) to Disraeli, who also did not say it. It was apparently said by another Brit politician, giving a speech in the US, I would look up his name, but I gotta go to work now.

"Proximity to wonder has blunted our perception and appreciation of it" --Tim Hartnell in 'Exploring ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ON YOUR COMMODORE 64'

stupid slashdot sig length limit..bleh...


Submission + - Eight corporate anthems to die for...well (

coondoggie writes: "As corporate anthems go, it's not a splash but we are always surprised to see companies come out with new ones. Here we have a recent song from "Dev Life". It contains the lyrics:" I'm coding Unix Windows Linux; I've got the dev life going mama; I'm like the coding Dalai Lama." Coding like the Dalai Lama? ! Yikes. But IBM isn't alone in these off beaters. Fujitsu, Checkpoint Symantec, Texas Instruments and many others have entered the rarified air of corporate songbirds. Here are links to eight of our favorite ditties. I know there are tons more out there, send them along if you get the chance. 4"

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