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Comment Better Idea (Score 1) 4

I would argue only firearms which existed at the time the Constitution was written should be "whitelisted".

This means flintlock muskets (like the Brown Bess) and long rifles, both of which are single shot, would be allowed for use by everyone of age.

Mass shootings would no longer be a concern.

Comment Re:How is it different for closed source software? (Score 1) 132

~ OSS is better since it is free ~

Free as in Beer. Not free as in "doesn't cost anything to implement and maintain".

~ and likely more secure.

Oh my, no. Security is not a function of source openness. Security is a function of actual security implementation.

You're confusing Linus' Law ("given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow") with Schneier's Law ("Any person can invent a security system so clever that he or she can't imagine a way of breaking it.")

Comment The Specs (Score 3, Informative) 36

Samsung HMD Odyssey (Headset)
Platform Windows Mixed Reality
Display Dual 3.5” AMOLED
1,440 x 1,600 @90/60Hz
Interface HDMI2.0 + USB 3.0 Interface Bound Cable (4m Length)
Lens Single Fresnel
Field of View 66, FOV 110, 6.7X
IPD 60-72mm Range
Camera 6 DOF Camera x 2
Sensor Accelerometer(6 Axis)| Gyrometer(6 Axis )|
Compass(3 Axis)|Proximity Sensor| IPD Sensor
Acoustics 2 MIC Support| Cortana|Built-in AKG Headphone
Control & Function Volume|IPD Adjustment
Dimension 202mm(W) x 131.5mm(D) x 111mm(H)
Weight 645g
Samsung HMD Odyssey (Controller)
Control & Function Touchpad (Clickable), Menu button
Windows/Controller power button, Trigger, Thumbstick, Indicator light
Sensor Accelerometer(6 Axis)| Gyrometer(6 Axis )|
Compass(3 Axis)
Battery AA Battery x 2ea
Dimension 154.2 x 119.1 x 119.1mm
Weight 160g


Comment 31 years is now 4 decades? (Score 1) 175

Also however important back-propagation is, it is hardly the entire foundation of AI. From my perspective AI is proceeding apace. There are many AI methods. Yes some core algorithms should be reexamined, as should anything in science or industry. We see some stuff that seems to lag in how much improvement we expected (general intelligence), and yet others that are leaping ahead of where we thought they would be like machine learning and pattern recognition. Eventually all the threads will start to come together, but progress will remain hard to predict.

Comment Upgrade to CyanomodGen or LineageOS (Score 1) 77

I upgraded my Nook HD+ to android 7.1 with cyanogenmod and it's like it is a brand new machine. I believe there is a successor (LineageOS) to cyanogenmod which has stopped making releases. But that said I think 7.1 will do me for as long as I keep my Nook HD+. You can't believe how much better and faster it is now.

Comment TV Screen Size and Quality (Score 3, Informative) 245

This seems no surprise to me. Movie experience is essentially a constant. TVs keep getting better and bigger. I find little difference these days watching movies at home. In fact until we've had a 10 foot projection screen in our media room since 2008. I had a tri-beam data-grade projector back in 2000 that I powered with a myHD card. I haven't cared that much about seeing things in the theater since the introduction of Blu-Ray. With shows like Game of Thrones you essentially get a movie fix once a week minimum anyway. Here is the main thing. Learn to delay gratification. Once your watching everything 6 months delayed, your watching the same amount of content and basically the same amount of enjoyment for a lot lower cost point (which helps pay for your kick-ass media room).

Comment Kind of a Kludge (Score 1) 301

Never owned one, but was using an Apple ][ at the time. Spent a lot of time back then going to various computer stores and obsessing over things like the Commodore PET (before the Commodore VIC20 and C64). Couldn't believe how enthusiastic the Radio Shack employees were as cheerleaders for the thing. Me, I couldn't get past the fact you needed to boot it from a cassette drive to use a floppy drive (at least when demoed to me at the time).

Comment Here Here (Score 2) 330

I have mod points, but your are already at 5. This state of affairs can't go on much longer. I'm an independent who has voted for Republicans in the past, I even gave a campaign contribution to McCain once. But the Republicans have almost become the enemy of the people by their actions over the last 20 years. I suspect this is because the balance between conservative and liberal has been broken by demographic shifts within our population. The Republicans are on the wrong side of that shift. So they have settled on a course of using the money from moneyed elites to dupe the less educated by appealing to their desire to return to some imagined better days when Christians and Whites ruled the roost. If you are educated and support Republicans because of a fiscal conservative reason --.STOP. The economy is not a zero-sum game. Taking away healthcare or job training or other forms of financial assistance will not make our economy stronger in the long run. Trickle-Down doesn't work. Get over the "I-worked-hard-to-get-where-I-go-so-everyone-else-can-too" attitude. One, I suspect you had more luck and advantages than you realized and Two, if someone is truly unable to climb the ladder because they are weak or not smart enough, then it follows they should suffer or even die? And yes it was Republicans chanting "let them die" at various rallies before the last election.

Comment Not Prove, but Yes IMPLY (Score 5, Insightful) 213

Correlation does not PROVE causation. It can however strongly imply causation, especially as we can plainly see and infer the other mechanisms at play here. Let's not be like the cigarette companies here and turn a blind eye to the likely health dangers with misdirection. As for sample bias, when you are 110 for 111 I don't care what your bias is, the likelihood is that far over half of serious football players suffer brain damage of some sort or severity. Football and boxing are not likely to go away in our generation, but they will have to be modified greatly or they will eventually be considered a sport only us ignorant ancients would engage in.

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