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Comment Re:Come on, dude. (Score 1) 176

Yeah, i'm not sure which is worse. Siemens/Apogee or Metasys. It literally makes me nauseous to know how these systems work and see the people (well, most of them) put in charge of it that don't know the first thing about basic security. I'm talking serious control over critical building automation shit is handled by complete morons.

Comment Re:Wouldn't it have been easier (Score 1) 271

I didn't see this personally, but the person that told me would not have known to make this up or do it on his own.

Picture this:

work laptop in work car
employee opens laptop to use it
employee happens to be down town in business areas
auto-connects to some strong wifi (this was a few years ago before things were pseudo-secure from the box)
accidentally opens the viewer for our in-house security cameras
camera software auto-scans for feeds
employee finds this hilarious and calls to tell about how he is looking at server rooms and hallways in some building

needless to say, that made my day.

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