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Alien Rain Over India 241

tintinaujapon writes "The Observer is reporting that scientists may have found the first evidence of panspermia, the idea promoted by Hoyle (among others) that life on earth was seeded from space, in samples of a strange rain which fell over India for two months in 2001. To quote the article: "There is a small bottle containing a red fluid on a shelf in Sheffield University's microbiology laboratory. The liquid looks cloudy and uninteresting. Yet, if one group of scientists is correct, the phial contains the first samples of extraterrestrial life isolated by researchers."" This is a continuation of a story two months back or so.

Encryption by Hand? 77

Arachn1d writes "A question for all those slashdot math-geeks out there: What's the simplest, but most secure encryption algorithm you can devise or provide a link to that can be carried out with nothing but a pen, some paper and a calculator? Bonus points for any public-key cryptography solutions!" Bruce Schneier developed an encryption algorithm designed to be performed with a deck of cards, but it's rather slow to do for fun. Well, you did say "a calculator", and if we assume a programmable calculator your options probably expand quite a bit...

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