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Comment Re:Because job outfit only look for links in googl (Score 1) 146

You aren't fighting the evil government or evil gossipmongers.

You're fighting the basic facts of how information works.

Europe has produced many great literary works. Such as Cervantes' Don Quixote jousting at windmills. Same absurd effort at containing information that is public. You're an absurd character fighting reality in the name of a dead era and losing.

I mean I'm sad I am going to die someday and I think it's unfair. Should I pass a law against dying and that solves the problem? Same thing with this moronic European delinking law: it doesn't work and you're just fighting the inevitable.

Comment Re:Because job outfit only look for links in googl (Score 1) 146

Do you think a credit agency would really have a problem getting around your dumb law? Another search engine? A proxy? Heck: it's a big business, they can write their own damn spider that simply looks for financial personal info on the web.

So if the problem really bothers you, you pass a law: "credit agencies can't keep records past 10 years"

That's actually effective.

Not this bulshit "the info is still there but you have to use a proxy or another search engine to find it." You really think someone committed to finding out this info about you won't make the extra 20 seconds of effort involved?

A dirtbag employer who is spending 5 minutes looking for dirt on potential employees won't think to use a proxy to find out the dirt he knows is out there? Really? You think using a proxy is as hard as going for microfiche in a library? Really?

Your "solution" is a pathetic band aid to make a few airheads feel good about your concern in a shallow way and with zero thought, without actually solving the actual fucking problem in a meaningful way.

Comment Re:Because job outfit only look for links in googl (Score 1) 146

you're acting as if an asshole bigot of a boss is some new invention the internet has given vast power to. this type of person always existed, and instead leveled his moronic judgments against you based on gossip or your appearance

the real solution is not to work for asshole bigots, or go after them if you have something actionable. what is never the solution is make believing you can censor the internet just for the sake of escaping the judgment of narrow minded assholes you don't want in your life anyway. even if such censorship magically worked, the douchebag boss will still be pulling this crap on you. he always did. he always will. the problem is the douchebag. not the technology. trying to change the technology is the wrong solution to the problem

Comment Re:Because job outfit only look for links in googl (Score 1) 146

hey, i'd much rather have a job than not dying of black lung

hey, i'd much rather have a job than not be sexually harassed

hey, i'd much rather have a job than ever see my family and have a life

pretty moronic game you;re playing, no? a job doesn't justify abuse. if an employer is abusive piece of shit, someone should do something about the asshole employer. not roll over and take it up the ass. suit yourself, but not all of us are completely spineless

Comment Re:can someone from Europe please explain (Score 1) 146

the information is still there

you think it's hard to use another search engine or use a proxy and search from an IP address in another country without the moronic law?

the law purports to make public info magically not exist. why don't we pass laws against gravity while we're at it?

so fucking stupid

Comment Re:Because job outfit only look for links in googl (Score 2) 146

if i push you out a window that's not fair. but you can't take it back either just because it's not fair. you can and should prosecute me for pushing you out a window. but you can't magically snap your fingers and magically you never fell out a window. same if i divulged your private info publicly

Can you say how it is failing? Sure, the information is there


Comment Re:Because job outfit only look for links in googl (Score 2) 146

so people should be judged for stupid shit they did as teenagers and should be ashamed of that their entire life? out of fear of remaining employed by narrow minded douchebags? that's your vision of life? you're a weak piece of shit aren't you

but you are right: before the internet this info decayed. and? so what

welcome to a new age

technology changes things. life before nuclear power, the gun, the printing press: all very different

society was, is, and will be dramatically altered by new technology. i'm certain some nobleman somewhere started pouting it wasn't fair peasants were now reading and demanding something called "democracy" too. so we shouldn't adapt new technology?

things change. can't put the genie back in the bottle friend. adapt or die

however, i agree with you: i too think it's lame someone might be judged for stupid shit they did in high school 20 years later or for their sexuality. so i think we have the basis for an actually effective, moral law: prosecution of piece of shit bosses for moronic shallow employment decisions

but certainly not a dumb law like "we can magically make public info private in the age of the internet"

Comment Re:Because job outfit only look for links in googl (Score 1) 146

then you should stop hanging around douchebags and/ or stop telling private stuff to douchebags

for once that douchebag makes your private details public, it's public

i mean an asshole can throw you out a window too. that's wrong. but just because it's wrong doesn't mean you magically didn't get thrown out a window and magically didn't die. you can't take that back

likewise, information that has been made public, stays public. if it got public by nefarious means, so what? punish the nefarious piece of shit that made it public. you can't say "it's wrong it's not fair" and pout and then it magically becomes private again

Submission + - Is our universe ringing like a crystal glass? (

TaleSlinger writes: Two physicists at the University of Southern Mississippi – Lawrence Mead and Harry Ringermacher – announced that our universe might not only be expanding outward from the Big Bang, but also oscillating or “ringing” at the same time. The Astronomical Journal published their paper on this topic in April.

As many know, scientists today believe our universe – all space, time and matter – began with the Big Bang some 13 billion years ago. Since then, the universe has been expanding to the size it is today. Yet, the universe as a whole has self-gravity, which tries to pull all the matter – all the stars, gas, galaxies, and mysterious dark matter – back together. This internal gravitational pull slows down the universe’s expansion. Mead said in a statement from Southern Miss:

The new finding suggests that the universe has slowed down and speeded up, not just once, but 7 times in the last 13.8 billion years, on average emulating dark matter in the process.

The ringing has been decaying and is now very small – much like striking a crystal glass and hearing it ring down.

Comment Re:Because job outfit only look for links in googl (Score 3, Insightful) 146

I wouldn't want to work for a company who judged me for the stupid shit I did as a teenager or if I were a homosexual.

You are entitled to a private life, but if you make something public, it's public, period. No take backs. Not because I said so but because of the nature of public information.

There is no technological fix for that and Europeans, and yourself, have a deluded "solution" to a reality and a fact of life which is not actually a problem and does not go away, ever.

Own who you are, be ashamed of nothing, including your mistakes. Anyone who would bully you into submission with sensitive areas of your life is no one you should want to associate with and merely an announcement of your own insecurity and weakness.

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