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Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - WoW gamer files lawsuit against IGE

racton writes: The Escapist posted an interview with an attorney who has filed a consumer class action suit against IGE, the large in-game item trading company. The complaint states that selling virtual money is "polluting the entertainment" for players who pay for the World of Warcraft service. From the article:

TE: So what is the actual lawsuit — in layman's terms? RN: The actual lawsuit is Hernandez v. IGE. We filed it in Miami, where IGE has offices. In layman's terms, the core of the complaint is a consumer class action for unfair trade practices. Guys like Tony [Hernandez, the plaintiff] have paid their $15 for some entertainment, and IGE is polluting that entertainment. It's kind of like, if someone pays for a ticket to go see a movie, and if someone else comes in behind them and kicks their seat, you can get them to stop doing that. We're just trying to get IGE to stop kicking the seats. This is not unlike other consumer complaints where someone has paid for a service, and someone else is interfering with it. It's really very simple.

Submission + - Learning on the road.

Patrik_AKA_RedX writes: "Since I spend considerable amounts of time on the bus each day, I want to use that time productively. I combine a fulltime dayjob with evening classes, so reclaiming my time on the bus as study time would be very valuable to me.
Using books and binders or a laptop is not very practical, since I don't always have a seat and occationaly busses tend to be quite crowded.
My idea involves using an ebookreader like the Sony Reader, since most of my course notes are electronic. This solves the issue with thick books and large binders. But this still leaves the problem of taking notes.
A paper notebook requires two hands, a voice recorder gets me strange looks and writting on the sides of the bus has the problem of not always having the same bus.

My question is: what do you do to learn on the road? How do you take notes, what experiences do you have with Ebook readers (dedicated devices, PDA or other) in real life situations? Is it practical to use a PDA both as reader and notebook? Do you know of any sites or forums specific about this?"

Submission + - Wired: Does GPL v3 Alienate Developers?

An anonymous reader writes: Wired is reporting about a blog post in which BMC Software's whurley and Google's Greg Stein agree that the GPL v3 is currently on a path that will alienate developers. Stein has an interesting theory called "license pressure" which is similar to "pricing pressure". Stein's quote; "Due to pressure from developers, all software is moving towards permissive licensing" translation, the GPL and developers are moving in opposite directions.

Submission + - Should developers fix Microsoft's past mistakes?

MythMoth writes: "We've heard all about the pain and discomfort of working with Windows' User Account Control (UAC) switched on, but now Ian Griffiths is explaining that the developers are the problem — they brought it on themselves.

In earlier articles we have heard that Microsoft think that everyone should do it like this — Ian does acknowledge that things are better in the Unix world, but is he right? Is the onus now on the developers to help fix a problem that they did not cause?

Should Microsoft maybe use the dialog that Ian proposes to push the point home?"

Some Schools Ending Laptop Programs 308

The New York Times reports that schools are abandoning their laptops-for-students programs. It turns out that the expense of providing laptops, expense of repairing laptops, difficulties of school network management, and discipline problems stemming from pornography, cheating, and cracking more than outweighed the educational benefits. Indeed, a number of schools have concluded that far from improving student achievement, laptops either had no effect or actively hindered academic performance. Apparently, politicians embracing technology as a quick fix for social problems doesn't always work out.

Submission + - Microsoft to buy Yahoo?

Rafajafar writes: "Speculation and rumors have going around Wall Street recently that Microsoft is in buyout talks with Yahoo. The news is being pretty good to Yahoo's shareholders, to say the least. From the article:

Yahoo Inc. shares surged following published reports Friday that Microsoft Corp. had resumed its pursuit of Yahoo to better compete with Web search and advertising leader Google Inc. Both companies declined comment on the reports.
There is still much doubt as to whether these talks will result in anything, however."

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