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Comment Re:It be nice if there was a method to fight back (Score 2) 175

I'll bet you a dollar that there's a TOS/EULA section forbidding reverse engineering. So if using beeper violates it, are they really the "bad guy" for shutting you off?

I don't like it. I think it's crappy. Apple management sucks for many MANY reasons. I'm just saying... It's not like there was no warning or nothing forbidding doing this kind of thing.

Comment Re: Steam? (Score 1) 144

"Focused"? no. I've been a daily Mac user since '94 and at no time have I believed they wanted to do anything other than play lip service.

If they had, we would have had machines capable of using the same video cards, throughout this time. We had a few hot spots with the G3 smurf towers through the G4 and G5 Mac Pro's, but those were too expensive.

We begged Apple for mid-range desktops that could be upgraded and the response from Jobs and Cook has been a clear and consistent "fuck you."

Comment Show me the harm (Score 2) 157

And by harm, I don't mean PERCEIVED, POTENTIAL loss of income. "Oh, if they'd asked us, we would have demanded a billion dollars for all the articles we've published over the last 100 years for a 1-year license in perpetuity."

The Times also wants money, lots and lots of money: "statutory damages, compensatory damages, restitution, disgorgement, and any other relief that may be permitted by law or equity."

I love that last part... "We can't name every way the law MAY CONCEIVABLY define how we might be owed money. Let the judge figure it out for us."

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