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Comment First Rule of Nuclear Reactor Meltdown Club (Score 1) 374

Remove all references to nuclear meltdown from popular culture, lest the public be shocked at how a simple cartoon managed to project tragedy so perfectly into the future, yet the brightest brains in the industry are standing around a smoldering ruin (but not too closely mind you) wondering what the hell went wrong/is going on? Whocouldanode? Enjoy.

Comment Give 'em a break!! (Score 1) 190

It's not like anybody is gonna buy something besides an Ipad (for the best tablet experience) unless they're lied to or defrauded in some way or fashion. Samsung really has no other choice but to engage in the most crass form of commercialism, or they risk not being able to sell any of their wannabee "Ipad Killer" tablets. They have to engage in lies or their lame attempt at copying Apple will surely die. Enjoy.

Comment Take it to the bank. (Score 1) 347

Two things we'll have for sure in twenty years (because that's a long time .... cough) Affordable high efficiency solar, and fusion power, which by my recollection have both been stuck in a shifting and endless "next 20 years" prediction cycle for about the last 50 years. A couple things you won't see in the next twenty years: Mass produced affordable flying cars (which totally pisses me off) and bacon in a squeeze bottle. The promise of never ending technological advancement is merely a diversion to keep the tech crowd from becoming focused, despondent and suicidal over the lack of same. Enjoy.

Comment Germany (Score 2) 97

Kind of funny reading the debate on whether solar is finally ready for prime time since I see it dam near everywhere here in Germany. The country is pumping A BILLION euros per MONTH into solar installations. Pretty impressive what an economy unencumbered by a couple foreign wars can afford to invest in. Enjoy.

Submission + - Timothy: error in title article Dutch Hotels ISP (

Barryke writes: Due to title and text of this article, I see all kinds of people assuming this is required by dutch law, but it is not.

There exists no law or other statute that requires Hotels with Wi-Fi to register as ISP. Its just OPTA suing 10 hotels for being an ISP .. they are testing a vague law.

Please see my post here which explains better.

As for why the OPTA sues 10 hotels: the law is vague and the OPTA decided to trial this so it (the law) gets less vague.

Comment Re: Dennett (Score 1) 1027

Most people have belief in belief (as opposed to belief in deities) according to Daniel Dennett (one of the four atheist horsemen of the Apocalypse). The reason people believe is hardwired into our genes. It comes about as a result of our ability to imagine the future, coupled with something referred to as HAAD (hyper acute agency detection). HAAD is just a fancy way of saying that human survival was, at one time, dependent on folks jumping when they saw shadows they thought might be predators, even when they were just shadows. There's some really interesting work being done in the field of evolutionary psychology on this subject. Enjoy.

Comment Easy Answer (Score 1) 632

Can he build a high enough profile to protect himself from danger?" Not unless he were a former American President or VP who admittedly introduced torture into the war regime. I'd say he's got the half life of a gnat at this point. If I were him I'd make sure ALL those documents went public PRONTO. That's probably his best option. Enjoy.

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