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Comment Re:What a punishment (Score 1) 270

Actually, his net worth did change substantially yesterday afternoon, given that the financial community values the LA Clippers at around $575M based on the recent sale price of the Milwaukee Bucks. Thus his net worth jumped nearly $1.5B and the Clippers have only been an above average team for the past 2 seasons.

It's a good bet that he may have surreptitiously arranged to have his wife play good cop to his bad cop, so that the NBA board of governors are painted into a corner. NBA is desperate to rid themselves of him and he is going to hold them hostage to the penalties, both the fine and banishment, such that the penalties will have to be rescinded in exchange for his signing the sale contract. He may not be liked for being a jerk, but he is a very clever lawyer.

Comment Re:The downside of the military industrial complex (Score 1) 522

Actually, the company responsible for rocket engines is Aerojet, which chose to purchase RD-180's from Russia rather than accelerate development of domestic rocket engines. Recently they have absorbed what remains of Rocketdyne, so maybe they will begin building domestic engines again since Rocketdyne has been reviving research into the F1 engines that powered Saturn V launches in the Apollo program. Imagine the thrust an updated F1 could generate using modern materials and state of the art manufacturing.

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