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Submission + - Google goes Political? (

E IS mC(Square) writes: Google has created a sort of one stop shop for the Egyptian election, giving viewers vast details ranging from candidates to issues to location of voting. It also includes news and videos related to the candidates.

From the blog:
Getting information about the new rules and the new players is no small feat for Egyptians: there are nearly 11,000 candidates vying for 498 seats across 27 governorates nationwide during a multi-stage election that started today and lasts until March 2012. We’re doing our best to organize information to make it easier for voters to find everything they need in one place. For example, millions of Egyptians have learned where they can vote through our landing page,


Comment Re:Corporate Dead Pool 2012 (Score 0) 169

Making free internationals calls to the US from amsterdam over wifi calling over my dual core querty keyboard 4g phone is definitely not a good price or a good phone.

Let me know when you are done trolling and we will then talk facts.

And not everybody gives shit about itoys. Some of us like phones that can do more than just looking shiny.

+5 interesting my ass.

Comment Re:We are getting one (Score 1) 381

>> You make it sound like you're being impartial but you're not.

So your logic is: If you do not like an Apple product, you must be a hater/biased/Android-MS-Nokia fanboi. There is not one neutral person who ever disliked an Apple product for it's shortcomings. Because, of course, there are no shortcomings in an Apple product. Hence Apple is the best, and the OP is just biased and does not know anything.

That's the basic definition of RDF.

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