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Comment Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score 1) 693

This sounds about right to me. The only takeaway question I have from it though; is how does anyone give a shit about Zoe Quinn?

Nobody does, really. The anger, I think, really comes from the fact that these people got caught with their pants down, and instead of offering a mea culpa and moving on they decided to attack their customers... and it worked, to a certain extent. I mean, look at the slashdot headline! They've been successful at creating the GG = misogyny meme by visiting 4chan and chumming for some crazy.

I'm not sure how to read the larger picture except as another indication facts don't matter to SJWs, as if we needed more evidence.

Comment Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score -1, Flamebait) 693

Do all the reviewers in "the best presses in the United States" bang the same girl and give her pathetic game good reviews? This isn't about people "knowing each other", unless you're talking in the biblical sense.

Let's recap here. Zoe Quinn slept with all the major game reviewers and/or their editors. She gets rave reviews for a game people who actually bought have panned mercilessly. Literally caught with their pants down, they point to their customers and scream "sexist!". That's the point of the scandal. You can dress it up however you like, but at the root it's about corruption in the gaming press.

Comment Re:its a drug bust (Score 1) 129

Meh. At this time illegal drugs are, well, illegal. The executive branch is not and should not be in the business of deciding which laws are stupid and which aren't. That's for Congress to decide. As long as what the Silk Road people were doing was illegal, the feds have a responsibility to arrest and prosecute them.

Comment No doubt (Score 1) 400

I know a guy who sold a script to a studio. Basically they took a clean script and in a series of six rewrites jammed in everything a movie "needs" to make money. Certain types of characters, a certain type of pacing, and merchandising. They stripped out any cultural references non-American moviegoers might not understand. In the end if it were soup it would be lukewarm and tasteless. He didn't care because he knows the business and he new better than to get attached (and they pay well), but they might have made a good movie out of the original. Nobody would bother with the rewrite (not that they actually made the movie).

So falling domestic numbers really aren't much of a surprise. The studios have a formula for making money on a world audience, so it's no surprise so many movies come out to be mostly the same.

Comment Re:harassment attribution (Score 1) 556

I don't know why, but women never seem to get charged for this kind of stuff. Remember Crystal Mangam, who made up a gang rape by Duke Lacrosse players out of whole cloth? Never charged. Well, until she started knifing her boyfriends. They charged her for that.

Someday the legal system will treat women as harshly as men, but that ain't today.

Comment Re:harassment attribution (Score 1) 556

Bullshit. I wish people would stop trying to sell that nonsense. Gamergate is about 1) corruption in the gaming media, where a chick can sleep her way into good reviews for a horrid game and 2) a gaming press that insults the people who pay the bills and then pretends it's all about sexism when they get called on it (you fell for that part. What a sap.) and 3) journolist-style story coordination by people who are supposed to be independent.

Attention whores like Sarkeesian only showed up later when there were enough people interested they could provoke a response on 4chan.

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