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Comment Re:Remnants of a forgotten planet (Score 1) 78

It has been theorized, but entirely discredited. Another planet breaking up would have left a lot more debris behind than exists in the asteroid belt. There's not even enough there to make Mercury or the Moon, much less a gas giant. Even if there were some unknown cosmic vacuum cleaner that sucked up the majority of mass the missing planet would have left its signature on the orbital dynamics of the rest of the planets, and there's nothing.

Comment Re:Great. Let's sit here and wait for the next wav (Score 1) 422

lack of cheap (coal fired) electricity is holding back Africa

Lack of cheap energy, yes, but that certainly wouldn't be coal in Africa because they don't have any really large easy-to-exploit deposits of it. They don't have a lot of sites appropriate for hydro power, but they get plenty of sun. They could import coal to burn give electricity today, or import solar panels to give electricity for the next two decades. Best would be to build their own solar panel fabs, but the investment is too risky for most companies.

Comment Re:It was an app on a WORK-Issued Phone! (Score 1) 776

I've supported mission-critical security applications for most of a decade, my previous employer made it understood that 1) the position was salary, and 2) I was always on-call. They threw lots of money at me, handed me a free phone, and gave me interesting work so I felt the trade-off was worth it. On the other hand, I've never had to support fanbois, that would have required more money.

Comment Re:Deniers (Score 1) 525

Hidden heat? Wrong, it's well known where the heat is going. The oceans have been sucking up the excess heat instead of the atmosphere for reasons that currently are not well understood but which may have to do with the excess fresh water from melting glaciers forcing the warmer but denser salt water deeper (which is being observed in both the Arctic and Antarctic).

Comment Re:Deniers (Score 2) 525

They're generally not actual conservatives, either. Most of the time they're extreme radicals. Grover Norquist's web site used to have a position paper where he proposed to run the US government debt so high that there would be no budget left for anything but the military and debt servicing. The effect would be to reduce the US government to the size where he "could drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the tub."

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