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Comment Re:That's what she said (Score 1) 211

I like my women like I like my gas ... natural (misogynistic)
I like my men like I like my acorns ... buried (misandristic)
I like my boys like I like my sectors bad (???)
I like my men like I like my monoxide - odourless (misandristic)
I like my men like I like my court superior (misogynistic)

I would say, given the information I have here, that the computer isn't really biased one way or the other, it hates everyone. Huzzah! Now we have a digital misanthropic comedian.

Comment Re:I Call BS (Score 1) 245

Unless a "useful input" is an encryption key.... That you don't have. And the output is another encryption key actually used to decrypt something. Now you have neither they key nor the algorithm used to generate a child key. All encryption is crackable given enough time, but if this works as advertised, it will add to that time.

Comment Re:Down the line... (Score 1) 248

It is, and it isn't. I don't have cable, and I don't watch TV over-the-air. The advertising / rebroadcast revenues are one viewer smaller. Right now people like me are a statistical anomaly; with no impact in the larger picture. Will that remain true in the long-run? Hard to know.

I used to pump $1500 / year directly into the media machine via cable, plus indirectly from all those ads, I now pay directly, only for the shows I want to watch (which has amounted to $50). Aside from DRM, this ~is~ the ideal business model for the way I use TV.

I fully recognize that if lots of people follow this approach, eventually something will break. Television as we know it will cease to be.

I'm perfectly fine with that.

Comment Re:Practicality? (Score 1) 230

Your disregard for the value of human life, an especially people who are different than you, is most alarming. I am a STAUNCH pro-choice supporter yet I find your attitude both selfish and offensive.

if it isn't strong and healthy, throw it out and pump out a new one. Its not like we're suffering a worldwide shortage of semen at the moment!

This proves that you have no concept of how difficult it is for some people to conceive, how important it is to them, or the struggles they face when dealing with these kinds of issues, let alone how loved/treasured a potential life can be. I'm not sure if your comment comes from ignorance, greed, or misanthropy; but it's disgusting.

Comment Re:Science and Research (Score 1) 140

To me, the most encouraging thing is that it was a partial success... Which means they know that a lot went right, and that they have data to learn from too.

It did achieve Mach 20 for about 3 minutes... At that speed it went roughly 760 miles in those 3 minutes. Getting anything to go that fast at all is damn impressive.

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