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Comment Re:I guess that fight with Universal didn't pan ou (Score 1) 203

I enjoy some of the theaters which have responded favorably to in-home theatres.

1. There's a local theatre that runs newish and old movies together on a single screen. They have real buttered popcorn. The movie prices are appropriate to what I want to pay ($5/adult).

2. Marcus Theatres has a local theatre which is smaller than the AMC, has much better seating, allows purchase online w/o fees, and has food and beer.


The AMC theatre in town is dirty, the employees surly, and it's fucking expensive for old-school seats. My money goes to Marcus if I'm really interested in the first-run major experience. AMC is a dinosaur in the market and this accelerated their inevitable death for not keeping up with the market.

Comment Re:Cut the cord? (Score 1) 37

Do people pay for multiple streaming services? If so, why? I cut TV out in 2008 and used Netflix until last year when we got Disney+ instead. People should continue moving away from TV and into other options; otherwise, they win.

Note: I don't consider Amazon a streaming TV service fee and use it, especially now, for almost all of my shopping as well as music streaming.

Comment They need to be doing a whole lot more to compete (Score 1) 18

The NFL needs to drop their deal with DirecTV and allow for full streaming of all games, especially out of market games, without blackouts.

Most people no longer have cable and broadcast is spotty at best for most. Sure, I could potentially watch my local market team on broadcast TV, if I had a rooftop antenna, but being I live under home regulations which forbid them, I am stuck streaming.

With the availability of free HD streams from users, many of which are better than anything I've seen elsewhere, including Amazon's Thursday Night coverage, I see no reason to make the shift unless a reasonably priced alternative is provided with the same or better quality.

This is a no-brainer and a terrible business decision by ALL professional sports, especially the NFL and MLB, and they need to get their shit together.

Comment What's with the negative Zoom posts? (Score 2) 52

Zoom was well known prior to this but saw almost no media coverage prior to state lockdowns. Why is there a sudden interest in everything that is wrong w/Zoom's application rather than the ease of use in getting it up and running as well as their seemingly immediate attempts to clean up what has been found?

Is this like the negativity around Tesla? People invested in other technologies and their related companies are pissed about the uptick in share price and their attempts to bring it back down or are these issues really that important?

Comment Re:How much of layer 1 does $10-$20/mo cover? (Score 1) 230

I have business class cable through Charter/Spectrum. Modem power supply went out after 7 years. Called up and their stupid phone tree told me to go to the local store to get a new one. I did but because I'm a business class customer they couldn't give me a modem there claiming the modems are different.

I call up and they said they'd have to roll a truck to replace the modem because they provide a better level of customer service to business class users. Problem was, I didn't want them to roll a truck; I just wanted the fucking modem.

I asked if I could just buy one and have them provision it over the phone. No, they MUST roll a truck they claimed. Said the modems are special for business class customers.

I finally am at home during their windows, by requirement, and they come out. He fucks around outside for an hour before coming inside and insisting he needed to rerun lines. I refused, saying it's the modem, just replace the modem so I can get to work. He ends up giving me a new modem, calling up and provisioning it over the phone after waiting on hold for 45 minutes.

Guess what? I got the same modem as everyone else.


Comment It does NOT mean it is live and transmissible (Score 5, Informative) 95

From: Dr. Tara C. Smith

I've also seen this misrepresented already. "SARS-CoV-2 RNA was identified on a variety of surfaces in cabins of both symptomatic & asymptomatic infected passengers up to 17 days after cabins were vacated on the DP but before disinfection procedures had been conducted"

Say it with me: *viral RNA doesn't necessarily mean live virus was present.* Now you're going to see "coronavirus can live on surfaces for 17 days!" over and over, but we don't know that based on this study and for those using live virus, it's much shorter.


Comment Re:Yes, DuckDuckGo is good enough (Score 1) 79

It depends on your use case. I find that for random day-to-day searching it's entirely fine; however, if I am looking for something for work (e.g. Google would return highly relevant StackOverflow content), DDG is just not up to snuff.

Thankfully, I can just do a !google and get the results I would expect w/o passing what I don't want passed to Google.

Comment Re:Glootie (Score 1) 148

I realize I'm in the minority within my office, let alone within Slashdot; however, I just don't have any problems with the keyboard.

I use a 2017 MBP 13" and no external anything, except power. I spend so much of my day not at my desk, it doesn't make any sense to use additional peripherals and be switching back and forth all the time.

Comment Much simpler explanation (Score 3, Insightful) 161

When Kwast says things like, "The technology is on the engineering benches today. But most Americans and most members of Congress have not had time to really look deeply at what is going on here. But I've had the benefit of 33 years of studying and becoming friends with these scientists. This technology can be built today with technology that is not developmental to deliver any human being from any place on planet Earth to any other place in less than an hour," the only thing he can be talking about that has a connection to reality is something like what SpaceX proposes with Starship:


Comment Re:My story (Score 2) 64

We're not a large operation by any means but we're significantly larger than what you quote. We moved our on-prem infrastructure first to a managed data center and then on to cloud (split between AWS and GCP) because of the ability to pay for what we're using and dynamically scale.

Moving from on-prem to managed data center saved us around 50% a year on infrastructure and infrastructure management costs with roughly the same ability to deliver.

Moving from the managed data center to AWS/GCP dropped our costs to near what I would call rounding error; however, we did have increased costs associated with changing the model for how we were doing our business to best leverage the cloud computing model. These are not associated directly, as they never were before, but they are not an insignificant cost.

For us (analytics) the transfer and storage rates are minuscule compared to our compute costs for thrashing through our large datastores on the regular.

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