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Comment ECHR will probably block this... (Score 1) 178

As it seems - on the surface (this *is* slashdot :) - that this violates some of the basic human rights, and those are mainly covered by the ECHR in Europe ( These kind of law suits in front of "lower" judges tend to be based on a limited set of facts (from what I can see in similar cases), and do not take into account the full extent of the law that protects these organizations - such as the European law. Takes a while though... And... IANAL -YMMV

Comment Huawei was in the news in Europe as well... (Score 5, Interesting) 156

... for advertising with a lot of important and big customers' "success stories" (such as TGV) that were in fact never real customers of Huawei/were never worth a success story. Guess they really are trying hard to set foot 'here'. (

Comment I read it as just another hop... (Score 1) 249

...not a complete caching of HTTPS content (which would be pretty futile). There would only be an issue if, say, the CA system of validating what server you are talking to has got a leak, because then Amazon(/any attacker controlling (part) of the EC2 server park) could theoretically perform a real MITM (barring any legal consequences, of course). But hey, the CA system is perfect... erm... never mind...

Comment Hrm, Nokia N900... (Score 1) 133

... had it running more than a year ago already ( I used to run C64 games on it using Vice - my own portable C64 game console for hotels, when used in combination with the N900 video cable. Only issue was mainly that you had to configure the keys correctly, and that some games would need some patience in that configuration.

Comment Bad summary (Score 1) 696

"All of its obligations"... Not true: monthly income would amount to some 300 billion US$, making the US able to pay only *part* of its obligations (the 300 billion part). Worst is not what the US cannot pay, but what the markets think the US cannot pay (in the near future) -> that is what makes stocks crash.

Comment This web site only supports Internet Explorer 6.0 (Score 1) 210

I was curious so wanted to check the diversity lottery website ( and encountered this statement: "This web site only supports Internet Explorer 6.0 and Internet Explorer 7.0.". I guess if you want to take part in the diversity lottery you have to do away with some of your freedoms to make use of say Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari.
Somehow the term "diversity" does not seem to cover that bit :) Makes you also wonder who is the target audience for this lottery.

Comment Erm, you're wrong. (Score 1) 228

You have been smoking too much my friend (Dutch here, politically involved, I hope I know what I am talking about): The law *addendum* to save Net Neutrality was instigated by D66, a liberal progressive party, supported by GroenLinks (left-wing libertarian progressive green), PvdA (left-wing social democratic), PVV (far right wing). CDA and VVD actually oppose this addendum to the law: they did propose a change to the law but it was soft and not very helpful in saving Net Neutrality. But, as CDA+VVD constitute the minority of the parliament, they will not have the power to stop it. Surprising enough their "virtual coalition partner" (minority government...) *is* supporting the plan of the left parties - highly confusing for some of us (me including), but good to see that this does topic does live both left and right of the center wing (traditionally that had been the CDA, but they have turned right-wing nowadays). Thanks for the troll though, you made me react :)

Comment Funny thing... (Score 2) 228

...before you move over here we expect you to learn Nederlands goed ;=) (you even have to do an exam in a Dutch Embassy of your choice)

Dumb idea though. But the good news is: as long as you are higher educated and have a good income nobody gives a f... if you only talk English.

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