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Comment Re:They did not pass "aversion" to their grandkids (Score 1) 118

Even in the blog post you link, the enhanced startle response was present in f1 and f2 generations. I read that as the aversion was passed on.

Ten days after this fear training, Dias allowed the animals to mate. And that's where the crazy begins. The offspring (known as the F1 generation) show an increased startle to the fruity smell even when they have never encountered the smell before, and thus have no obvious reason to be sensitive to it. And their reaction is specific: They do not startle to another odor called propanol. Craziest of all, their offspring (the F2 generation) show the same increased sensitivity to acetophenone.

Comment I subscribed. (Score 5, Interesting) 70

You could spend money for the game, but it was a free to play quirky side scrolling MMO which didn't have much in the way of PvP (none at all) and was mostly crafting. It was always a work in progress, they were always adding new assets and mini games. But it was always going to be a niche game.

I did eventually drift away, and I suppose most others did too, because they eventually folded.

The cool thing was, they notified subscribers (like me) that they were offering the money back if we wanted. I told them to keep the money, I had enjoyed it while I played.

Now releasing source code and assets. That is even cooler.

Comment Re:I make beer... (Score 3, Informative) 73

You'll see that on plastic soda bottles (pop bottles, depending on your origin) the threads are broken by gaps. This is to allow you to do just that-- crack the top and let the pressure release. You may have to crack/seal it a few times to safely remove the top.
If the gaps were not there, you would have to unscrew the top much further to vent, and you would risk blowing the cap off and an ensuing fountain of foam.

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