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Comment Re:because they are asian (Score 2) 183

That might be if they're Asian outside of Asia...

As an American, when I lived in India the mosquitos there were quite attracted to me, more than the people around me. I figured I was just exotic, foreign food to the Indian mosquitos. A real taste treat, different than their normal, mundane local food.

Comment Tsunami Warnings... (Score 1) 79

I grew up on the Oregon coast and whenever there was a tsunami warning hordes of people would come out from the valley inland to see it. Luckily for them there never was anything to see...

Comment Bed Bugs (Score 3, Funny) 75

No wonder we keep getting bit by bedbugs, even after we vacuum the apartment... I'll bet the bedbug section of the NYC subway trains has little bedbug sized ads for nano-suits, matching the human sized ads for mattress covers.

Comment Green Tea (Score 4, Interesting) 283

I drink two 20 oz cups of green tea most days at work. It's low in caffeine so I don't get too bad withdrawals (which are almost always day-long migraines) from it, and good quality green tea tastes nice enough by itself I don't need to add sweeteners to it.

Otherwise, a couple of times a year I like a nice, thick, rich and super sweet coffee drink, about half milk half water...

Comment No Scale (Score 3) 150

I don't bother weighing myself. I know I'm fat and I feel like shit from it. I get out of breath bending down to put my socks on and my shirts bulge around my middle... I don't need a scale to tell me I need to do something.

I didn't used to be like this, but at some point, living in India and being overfed by my then-fiance and her mother, tons of delicious, rich, greasy Indian food, it just caught up. I'm not sure I even realized I was putting on weight until the first time I couldn't breath while bending over to tie my shoes because my gut was in the way.

I came back to the U.S. and lost some weight in the year and a half before my wife got her green card and joined me. Now I'm back to more of a struggle between pleasing my wife by eating what she wants to feed me and pleasing myself by eating what I'm comfortable with. She puts on a lot more pressure...

Comment Re:Regular universities don't sell you the knowled (Score 3, Funny) 98

- regular social contact with relatively capable and intelligent people of the appropriate sex (for straight guys, be aware that a significant majority of college students are women, so the odds are very much in your favor)

I sure screwed that one up... I went to a tech-oriented college with a male-to-female ration of something like 6 to 1... I wonder at times if I should've picked a different school... Like maybe that fashion design college in Portland, that might've worked better...

Comment None of the Above (Score 1) 340

Foodwise I don't expect anything out of the ordinary. While my office is open (we only close for holidays mentioned in the Torah, plus Labor Day due to an unrelated ethnic celebration making the neighborhood a bit too chaotic and dangerous) I'll be taking the national holiday off.

It'll be my wife's first Thanksgiving in the U.S. so I think we'll get up early and troop all the way over to see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (yeah, okay, "all the way over" is like three blocks from our apartment as we live off of 9th Avenue in Manhattan). It should be fun.

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