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Comment Re:Do you really buy your own BS? (Score 1) 360

So completely false, its not even funny anymore.

Global average MAX temps have not changed in that period of time.

Only global average minimum temps have risen, which has risen the global MEAN temp.

To reiterate, there has been no change in average maximum temperatures. This is not a denier talking point, asking any NASA, NOAA, NCDC or IPCC scientist.

Comment Re:Hypocrites, liars and communists. (Score 1) 441

That is one of 53+ and counting reasons theorized for the warming hiatus or pause of the last 18 years.

I'm not saying its false, though there has been many articles pointing out some flaws in some of the data and conclusions on that.

But it is still only 1 theory of many.

Fact is, we dont have reliable data for ocean heat content before ARGO, so what is to say what we are observing is new or not part of the natural cycle?

El nino years create huge spikes in temperatures, its part of the natural process and transfers much heat into the atmosphere, but it does so in a spike, not for 10, 20 years.

So your statement that Eventually though it stops being able to do that and the atmospheric heating with a warmer ocean to boot. doesnt explain the whole process or even part of it at all.

It is a complex system, and skeptics study it and one of the main skeptics points is that there is much more to climate than just CO2.

"Nope, no problems" is something you just said, not skeptics with science backgrounds trying to get their studies published, but being rejected because it doesnt jive with the IPCC.

Climate is not weather, weather is not climate. We all know that, its funny how this is brought up by people like you for winter, but you all keep silent everytime there is a scientist or when the media brings it up when there is a hot week or warm spell for a short time.

Seems the bias is strong on the warming side in politics and in the media. But thats ok right? Because it fits with your beliefs.

Comment Re:Hypocrites, liars and communists. (Score 1) 441

Why would I listen to someone who just believes?


Polar bar populations are thriving. It is the best conservation success story.
From 5000 in the 60's to 25000 in 2013-14.

Read Susan Crockfords article. It shows clearly that the scientists tasked to monitoring polar bear populations are more interested in keeping their jobs than showing the truth.

Its important that we freeze in winter because energy costs are going up, you idiot. Not because it has anything to do with climate.

Your problem and the AGW crowds problem is fighting a "currently" non-issue, due to faked data and faulty science, and that fight is causing REAL WORLD problems right now in the present.

Comment Re:Hypocrites, liars and communists. (Score 1) 441

Indeed. Sweep that under the carpet.

Why hasn't it risen? CO2 has certainly risen. If CO2 went up, than the temperature should have gone up, if that did, Water vapor should be up.

But all of a sudden, your basic laws of 3rd grade physics which is the greenhouse effect, just suddenly don't apply?... they stopped functioning for over a decade. Why?

Comment Re:Hypocrites, liars and communists. (Score 0) 441

Are you serious?

Hundreds of billions have been spent worldwide over the last 20-30 years on climate research. That numbers go up very high if you included alternative energies (however... that is a place I approve of for spending, but done right).

Koch brothers wouldnt spend that amount on disinformation, its impossible.

I'm not saying there isnt any lobbying from the fossil fuel industry, there certainly is. But everytime someone posts anything in disagrement with the Church of Global Warming of later day carbon credits, all we get is "But Koch Brothers...".

I'm Canadian. I dont givash*t for the Koch brothers, your congress or your senate. I just care that here in Quebec, our government is enacting California style laws and carbon taxes, which no one else in north america has adopted yet. But our supreme leaders feel that regardless of our shrinking economy, enormous job losses in the last 2 years and that we are on the bring of a recession, its still ok to gouge us on energy prices.

WE ARENT CALIFORNIA. People freeze to death in winter.

Take your Koch brothers argument, and find a better one.
You can start by showing me a climate model that actually tracks with observed data.

Comment Re:Yes. (Score 1) 227

I got that from your post, because you posted it about "denialism" and did not make a comment about it being equally true for the AGW side.

Thats the problem, now, you use a more moderate tone and say there are extremist on both sides, but If I had not called you on it, would you have come back to make those statements?

So someone who has a leaning towards believing AGW dogma, because he's a lefty, because he's a greeny, because he just has no idea but figures "I have children, and CO2 must be a pollutant, they all say so, oh and look those who speak against AGW science are Koch brother shils and religious nutjobs".

When you categorise one side into 1 box, and you speak forcefully, you help make up the minds of those who dont really know anything on the subject and then they believe you and Greenpeace and Leonardo DiCaprio."

You also try to reduce it down to basic physics. As if we are all just too dumb to understand grade 3 science. As if it was that simple, when you have PHD Dr. in Science actively disagreeing on so many of the nuances. Its not black and white, its a whole lot of grey and there is still a mountain of information we just dont have.

Yes, CO2 IR trapping properties known as a fact. Sensitivity is also pretty well known at around 1C to 1.2C for a doubling of CO2.
That is taking into account nothing else but CO2.

When you start adding all other factors, the current theories that CO2 is a forcing for Water Vapor and that increased water vapor can only lead to more heat... that is not established as fact yet. Also, models cant simulate natural processes like ENSO and PDO and those models cannot be relied upon to make policy.

Recent studies showing:

- Thickness of Antarctic Ice his much higher than estimated
- Water vapor has not really changed in the last 20-30 years, shown by satellites (if it hasnt, than warming beyond 1.2C for doubling of CO2 just doesnt hold up)
- Global mean temps, though higher than 30 years ago, havent really increased in the last 18years and 4 months (the pause or hiatus), all the while CO2 has steadily climbed up. If CO2 has gone up, why have "the basic laws of physics" changed and temps no longer increase? There are 52 reasons and counting, all theories.
- Bias in temperature measurements left unchecked (In higher elevations, US western mountains, SNOTEL) University of Montana study.Only after a rigorous audit has this been found.

My point is, if you shut out those who dont believe in the dogma as if it was the word of god, you will only listen to the preachers. (the general you).

And that is what the media is doing now and what the politicians would want as well.

I can take your own phrase : And yes, it would make life a lot easier for alarmists if the asshole scientists would just shut up and learn their place, and stay out of the way of the politicians. But golly gosh, some of these Scientists care and have big mouths.

Comment Re:Yes. (Score 1) 227

Have a nice day.

Its obvious you don't care about the science, you only want to be right and win the debate.
You like to categorise everything in black and white, while the world is actually a whole lot of grey.

There is truth on both sides, but you ignore the side that doesn't agree with you.

The difference is, us sceptics (not the religious nut deniers), we read all the papers and as many articles are we can from both sides, we don't ignore anything. But then we point out where things just don't stand up to proper observations or things that just are plain old wrong. /s You are obviously on the righteous side.

Comment Re:Yes. (Score 1) 227

Its allot more complicated than that.

You know, one thing I find particularly annoying is this Left, right hate, Republican, Democrate and everything that comes with it.

As an outsider (from Canada), its astonishing how easy it is for Americans to reduce everything to left, right. As if there is no middle ground, or nothing in between the 2.

Back to topic, I'm a Anthropogenic Global Warming skeptic. I don't deny science, I research scientific papers, read them, draw conclusions, read others comments about them (when It sometimes goes beyond my understanding) and draw conclusions from that, to eventually make up my own opinion on the subject.

In my opinion, politics have been in climate science from the get go. This is not new, the whole modern field of climate science (late 80's to today) has been shaped around the IPCC and the main driver is how to blame the late 21st century warming on man. That is the whole goal of the IPCC, right in its charter. No other answer is possible, because the cause was pre-determined.

Because the IPCC is a political organisation and it had pre-determined the cause, the scientific community has been split and there is heavy debating.
On the one side, you have those that see everything in CO2 colored glasses (and CO2 is a factor, no doubt about it, but not the only one)
And on the other side, those whose research tell them, CO2 isnt the only factor, and sometimes might not even be the main driving factor.

Of course, there are nutjobs on both side. Scaremongers, alarmists and outright deniers of real science on the AGW side.
And there are religious nuts (the creationist, and anti-vaccene kind), science deniers, and interest based deniers on the anti-AGW side.

Whats dangerous, is only letting the pro AGW scientists speak in the media, because that cuts out other real scientists, with something important to contribute that are looking at the world with CO2 colored glasses.

Sorry for rambling on, but this issue, is just so much more complicated than left or right, denier and alarmist.

Comment Re:Your point lacks support (Score 1) 786

Very nice strawman.

Way to make things up, and then take me down for it.

As you just like the sound of your voice, or reading your own words, you have skipped over my last sentence which says, I do look at data. Just wont do statistical analysis and report my findings, because not everyone is a statistician, and I'm not one. So should I just shut up and let lies stand regardless?

Your second sentence is just a pure attack that merits no response.

You have given me one link to data, the others where a NYTIMES article and wikipedia entry. A paper I have read.

- Your statement about the study is what it claims. But that doesn't give any more credibility to the models.
- If we have to wait for the future, then look back to see which models fit, will that is not predictability.
- Also, since models cannot predict naturally occurring processes, they are not fit for their intended purposes.

The models selected by Risbey et al. are more accurate than the other models at simulating the warming rate, however very little.
The fact is, they are still off by a large margin.

After reading it and looking at their claims based on the data, the only thing I can say is, they are grasping at straws.

I clearly stated I will not listen to those who have been shown to be misleading. Who have lied, hidden their data and who have continued using false methodologies (to this day). Mann's 2014 paper suffers from the same flaws as his 1998 one.

Way to completely ignore what I was saying about the science, the political debate and the media being important as a whole. The science is important, however the politics are shaping the science and the media is shaping the public opinion. All those things are very important.

I find you quite arrogant and condescending. You obviously are proud of your own perceived genius. (That is opinion and not a scientific observation :) )

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