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Comment Re:Let's see (Score 2) 442

If you judge the science by the ramblings of fringe lunatics, then you're bound to misunderstand the science. There is no credible prediction (established science) that says any of the things you've suggested. Not even remotely close. If you're interested it learning something, then you will need to stop reading the blogs that make you feel warm righteous indignation, and open your mind.

Comment Re:Meanwhile... (Score 4, Insightful) 283

Don't be so pessimistic -- we have the technological know-how to fix this problem, or at least, we are pretty close, and the right things are in the pipeline, to become mature when we need them. The article is alluding to this fact. The problem with AGW is political will, and bloody mindedness from the "truther" crowd.

Comment Not understanding the world (Score 1) 550

All economists know about these things called natural monopolies. It is widely recognized that regulation is necessary in natural monopolies because of the power differential which makes monopolies what they are. Many other countries deliver cheaper better internet for less over very spare countries. Whenever you have barries to entry you have to do a cost-benefit analysis. At a certain point the cost of regulations is less for everyone. It is not a black and white issue. If you think it is, then you are living in a comfortable "truth", and not trying to understand the world.

Comment Re:Lift the gag order first... (Score 1) 550

I've never met a bureaucrat yet that didn't like a few more dollars of taxes collected.

Obviously you have never met many bureaucrats, and know nothing about government work. For a starts, they don't raise the taxes themselves. For seconds, they follow the rules given to them. But in your mind, it is all waste, waste, waste, and you know nothing about it.

Comment Re:Helping Castro (Score 1) 166

The USA has a long history of making friends with despicable regimes. As more despicable than Cuba, I'd put: Myanmar, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Rwanda, and Cambodia. Arguably tied with Cuba would be: Honduras, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Kyrgyzstan, Kenya, and Uganda.

Then, if you travel back in time, you have despicable regimes in Iran, Chile, and Argentina.

Trade is ultimately for more powerful in making positive changes in these societies.

My guess is that you come from the wingnut wing of the American political spectrum, and thus have a "four-legs-good, Cuba-bad" mentality.

Comment Re: WTF (Score 1) 297

It isnt because your bias makes you refuse to read sceptical scientific discussions that they dont exist.

Projection isn't a river in Egypt.

Stop reading media crap or rebuttals by propaganda sites and, just for your educational purposes, read some scientific sceptical sites and make up your own mind.

Or maybe read some original papers on the issue! Of course, if it doesn't agree with Anthony Watts, then you'll probably consider it propaganda. Bet you never read these.

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