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Comment Valid by unspecified state (Score 1) 220

I've written move constructors that just call a swap under the hood, because it's less expensive than reinitializing a moderately complicated object just to have the destructor note it's in its "empty state" and do nothing. I thought that was the point of letting `move` leave objects in a valid but otherwise unspecified state. I think the alternative entails the standard saying that every domain of values for an object type needs a "zero" element, which would be silly.

Comment Re:Sorry, Mozilla. (Score 1) 225

Oh sure, that could be a possible dynamic.

On the other hand, revolutions tend to be well-intentioned murderous affairs.

History has born out a known workable solution. It's called incrementalism, which respects that things are complicated place.

They won't teach you that in Critical Social Justice class. In fact, they won't teach you any facts or history that'd cause you to question the holy cause of Cosmic Justice. Never mind the millions who died at the altar of "the greater good".

Comment Re:Sorry, Mozilla. (Score 1) 225


Claims of harm are so commonly abused as to trivialize the actual underlying issues. This does not stop political ideologues using "impact over intentions" and "traumatizing hearing words" from bullying anyone and everyone who doesn't kowtow to their madness.

Comment Re:Sorry, Mozilla. (Score 2) 225

The problem with ethical, is that politics is characterized by group-level delusions. The woke turn that dynamic nasty, with some seriously toxic behaviour. There's no ethics principle here, no interest in understanding what's real, perspective taking, finding real solutions, or even describing problems. It's just the naked pursuit of power.

Comment There's no simple "we should just have done X" fix (Score 1) 152

Every computer architecture has to treat machine code as memory at some point. It doesn't matter if that's on the chip -- as in von Neumann -- or when the instructions are loaded and declared a "module" as in Harvard. And von Neumann never stopped us from implementing that NX bit that it attached to pages of memory. You just go around it when solving real world problems, like a just-in-time compiler, or even a scripting language whose instructions are entirely in "data" memory.

The problem with computer security is the incentives that we work under when we build and develop software. There are solutions -- maybe comparatively cheap solutions, but the free market solution is stuck in a cr*p local minima.

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