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Comment Take the new job (Score 2) 397

Closer to home: Consider every minute commuting as work time, and every dollar spent on gas as after tax wages.
The challenge of something new: That can be a major contributing factor to your happiness, even if the employer isn't any more fun
The risk of taking a new position: You might think you are beloved and stable in your current position, but all it takes is new ownership and even the best workplace can turn into hell, so just because it is nice where you are doesn't guarantee it will stay that way.
Better pay: Yes, it's only %10 more pay, but think about it, they are starting you at that, chances are you have peaked out at your current position, now you have room to grow

No matter what, it could backfire, and be a bad decision, so don't burn your bridges, there is always the possibility of returning if this job doesn't pan out. Either way, Good Luck!

Comment Tons of Medium difficulty, very little Advanced. (Score 1) 1086

Unless your programming is for some very specialized fields it is most likely that the need for very advanced mathematics are few are far enough between, that by the time you need it you will likely need to look it up and refresh your memory anyhow. So long as you are able to learn/re-learn it, you are nearly just as well off learning it as you need it.

Comment I love the Kindle - And I don't fear censors (Score 1) 207

I love my Kindle Fire, I can make notes, mark pages, read in the dark, buy a new book when I'm done, read the classics for free etc. I will always choose E-book over paper. Lets face it (In the free world) attempts at censorship or governments tracking your reading habits are not a real concern. Will it ever happen, sure in Iran or China, but the free world would strip power from anyone stupid enough to try that.

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