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Journal Journal: SELinux and Web development

I use my Fedora desktop to work on development of all kinds. I love that with a Linux machine I can have a machine that matches my production environment very nicely and all the tools I want are there and work pretty well together.

I appreciate SELinux since it is there to keep me safe.

Comment Re:Ubuntu 14.04 (Score 1) 210

I didn't really want to discuss the Unity interface since there are other options even if installing Ubuntu.
However, the things that work for me are that I have a netbook with a 10" screen, that I really only use for browsing, ftp, torrent, ssh and some light gaming emulators. Movies in 720p and above are already too much for it.
So I put the applications I use most on the left pop-up bar (terminal, Firefox, FileZilla). And all other applications installed are just easily found through the Unity button which gives a search box. So if I need my snes emulator, I just type nes and it will pop-up. Same for torrent etc...
The menu on top will automatically take the running program menu (same as Mac I think), so it's pretty good at maximizing the screen's real-estate for the application. It also runs much smoother than the Windows 7 that was originally installed.
That's pretty much it.

Comment Re:This is why I like Python so I can use OOP or n (Score 1) 303

I wouldn't even call Java object oriented, rather class oriented. It forces you to put everything in a class. Most of the time when I see Java code, there's a whole bunch of classes with nothing but static functions in them.

Python is in a sense much more object oriented than Java: everything is an object. Modules are objects, functions are objects, classes are objects.

Comment Ubuntu 14.04 (Score 5, Informative) 210

I have Ubuntu 14.04 running on an 'older' Acer aspire one (a pretty shitty machine, but actually works okay with SSD disk and Ubuntu).
. It's probably easiest to install, you get used to the Unity interface after awhile really. The things it doesn't install correctly I just googled with mostly easy fixes (apt-get this and that).
There are actually ways of not using Unity but the old Gnome interface for example. Again, Google is your friend (in this case).

Comment Re:Moo (Score 1) 4
We are heavy netflix users as well. There's a British series on there - Black Mirror. Sort of a technology related Twilight Zone-ish kind of thing. Whoever writes the stories has the ability to come up with some really disturbing stuff. My wife and daughters have been on a huge Gilmore Girls kick.
I watch more and more youtube as well. A lot of esports type stuff. My son watches Minecraft on youtube more than he actually plays it lately.
What was interesting to me today was that it hit me that while I listen to my mp3 collection at work, at home we never listen to locally stored music. It's all pandora. My girls do have music locally on their devices (phone and tablet) but that's not much. The latest Taylor Swift or whatever else they get into. We buy that via Amazon so I can download the drm free files and they can just copy them off the PC that is hooked up to our TV.
It's fun living in the future. I remember looking at the tv guide that came with the sunday paper every week to see what good shows would be on that week and hoping they would be at times I'd be able to watch.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Moving Streams in Kmix 4

I am in the office today. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in the building. So today I'm doing something I almost never do - I'm listening to music via my speakers rather than using my headphones.

When I kicked off Amarok I went to switch the audio from the headphones to the speakers and realized I hadn't installed pavucontrol. I pulled it up in apper and saw that it was a gtk program. Not a big deal in itself. I have other gtk stuff already installed. But it just made me th

User Journal

Journal Journal: Fedora 21 Virtual Box Guest Additions and the Debug Kernel 1

I run a Vbox instance of Fedora on my mac. It was Fedora 20 but I used Fedup to upgrade it to Fedora 21.

When I did that and updated everything I ran into a problem where guest additions wasn't working. And I don't know about other situations but in this one when Guest Additions isn't working then the VM is pretty much unusable. So I was digging around trying to figure it out. The install would run and complain about not being able to find the kernel headers but they were insta

Comment Re:Macbook & Dell (Score 1) 97

I totally agree ... my mid-2010 macbook pro still holds about 89% of the original charge and lasts about 6 hours on battery in regular usage. It helps that it has only had about 170 full cycles (information obtained using coconut battery for mac).

Not a mac zealot here, but I can confirm. My mid-2010 macbook pro has been plugged in most of the time, yet it can survive a workday on battery attached to a projector/beamer from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. (with screen blank during three 30 minute breaks).

Comment Re:WTF UK? (Score 1) 360

I agree mostly with your opinion, however the context is a bit different.
Salman Rushdie wrote that book in '89. At that time muslim fundamentalism and their treats was a rather foreign concept for the West, as is North Korea. Of the kind "that only happens ''over there' ".
12 years and some planes crashing into the WTC later, shit just got real. So these types of threats are being taken seriously.

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