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Comment Re:So its like a dick then? (Score 1) 370

"The experiment continues in the search for even greater precision."

If they've discovered so far that it's about as round as can be, why are they wasting their time looking for more precision!? Let's just say it's perfectly round and call it a day.

Or maybe they're like the yahoos posting above that can kill hours talking about the shape and size of things of no consequence!?

Comment Re:And next, the "enhancements"... (Score 1) 77

The article said,

"Scientists at the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, inspired by standard inkjet printers found in many home offices, are developing a specialized skin 'printing' system"

So, I pulled up an old Newspaper article from 15250 BC (amazing what Google has scanned in to date!), and it had this:

"Grog and Togoth at the second cave after the boulder, inspired by standard sprayed blood found in caves, are developing a specialized skin 'printing' system."

They also had a solution for Male Erectile Deficiency, but it involved chisels and sheep skin and I don't think it actually worked.

Comment Judgment by Default (Score 1) 152

"China doesn't get paid"

This is absolutely brilliant! We don't have to monetize the crap out of the dollar through profligate printing at the Fed. Instead, we lawyer up and sue the crap out of the Chinese in our courts and in their arrogance, they do diddly squat like the consolute did in this case. They lose judgment after judgment by default, and then when they come to claim California, Oregon, and Washington states, we serve the execution writs on the many judgments and then they only get California instead of the whole damn West Coast.

Comment Re:SGU Icarus Planet (Score 1) 215

The article says "that the magma can act as a potent new source of geothermal energy powerful enough to heat 25,000 to 30,000 homes"

it neglected to mention that it's also powerful enough to vaporize 25,000 to 30,000 homes and their inhabitants. Hopefully science fiction won't come true!

("Volcano" with Tommy Lee Jones was a horrible film)

Comment The government should get out of the way (Score 1) 386

I'd like to see these alternative fuels tomorrow rather than next week or next century, so rather than pass more bills, I'd like the government, whether it's the US Congress or the British House of Lords, get their noses out of the private sector and worry about what food to serve up in their respective cafeterias. The only time "governments" make technology move faster is when there's a war to fight, and suffice it to say, we don't need any more of those going on right now.

Comment Abort AGW (Score 1) 654

"The arguments on climate involve fundamental disagreements about what's actually happening, not just whether certain things should happen or not."

Probably a good assessment, but I add that without the ever-present agenda of politicizing AGW, an elementary school child with nominal physics could figure this one out. The sun pounds the earth 24-7 with radiation and only a portion is reflected. Heat can't transfer through a vacuum except by radiation, so whatever isn't reflected remains in the Earth's environ. It's obviously going to heat up over time.

All that crap about greenhouse gases is just that, crap. Nothing to do with it, won't speed up the demise of the Earth nor slow it down. Carry on folks.

Comment Re:Open Source Democracy (Score 1) 390

People (Americans) ARE doing something, they are moving the seeds of discord and chaos from their midst back to the Congress, effectively restoring a balance of power. Of course those that like big authoritarian governments that like to tell people how they can use the Internet and for whom every burr under the saddle becomes a platform for long speeches, these sycophants and their small but vocal band of lemmings would term it as "Gridlock", but isn't that the ultimate achievement of a democratic form of government - to hamstring authoritarian tendencies in government and force deliberation and hinder fiat compulsion of the masses?

I like the Leahy quote:

"If they existed in the physical world, the store would be shuttered immediately and the proprietors would be arrested."

The response:

"yeah, but they don't exist in the physical world, so shut up with your false analogies!"

Comment Free GPS Tracking Devices (Score 1) 761

Free for the asking, just find a controversial web site, insert a comment, and in a few weeks you'll find a free GPS tracking device magically attached to the underside of your car. Just imagine the ensuing fun, attaching these to taxis and buses, or boats! I do not recommend trying to attach one of these to the outside of an airplane, however, especially when they are in motion.

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