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Comment Re:Just another dreamer? (Score 1) 888

You know, concepts like socialism and even communism actually sound pretty good.. on paper, but in reality they forget one ineffable truth: Human beings like power and being in control.

Sounds like Capitalism, democracy, and about every other thing people have come up with on paper.

Comment Re:ST Economics? (Score 1) 888

The economics of Star Trek never made any kind of sense to me, which is, I suppose, why the various series and movies never real dove into them that deeply. Why are Ferengi obsessed with gold-pressed latinum if you can just replicate anything you might need to acquire? Why, in Undiscovered Country, DS9 and others do you see people working menial jobs? If there's no notion of pay why would you do something menial and boring? Why, other than Data, do we see virtually zero automation via robots? Why do people crawl around outside spaceships welding them together? ....and don't get me started on the holodeck. If everything is 'free' I'd just move in there.

I think you are forgetting culture. Such economics in our culture probably would end up like you think. However, from what I remember of the Starfleet, if not Earth, culture is that it was geared towards being a productive member of society. Sure, you get everything for free and are told you don't have to do anything for it if you don't want to, but in reality, you've grown up being told you need to be a productive part of society, all your friends are becoming productive parts of society, and if you don't become a productive part of society, not only does everybody treat you strangely but counselors start coming by to see what is wrong. Inn extreme cases like a person that locks themselves in a holodeck, they will probably declare them unwell, pull them out, and put them in some program. It's easier to go fix food or wash dishes in the local cafe, probably along with your friends, a few shifts a week than to fight peer and social pressure. Meanwhile, others find artistic hobbies, work jobs, and volunteer at jobs that interest them. There are probably the guys that pride themselves on taking jobs others don't want.

Even without culture, people tend to get bored and want things to do. There are reasons besides alturism that retired people find volunteer jobs to do. I know plenty of people that even if they had everything supplied for them, would still be out working a job like welding on starships in space (then again, I know a lot of metalworkers).

Comment Re:And another pointless phone (Score 1) 146

Seriously, who's going to buy a Nokia Android phone when you know they've been bought by Microsoft and won't care one bit about supporting it?

Since when has Android products been supported by anybody? Seems like if you want an upgrade from the OS you bought with your phone, it normally has to be done by the owner because the manufacterer isn't going to put out an upgrade. Then again, most people don't seem to keep phones long enough to make a difference anyhow.

Comment Re:Pretty Much. (Score 1) 387

Well, defining the problem away certainly makes your difficult issues much easier to solve. That's why the term RINO is so laughable. If the party doesn't stop disavowing itself so often, it might deny that it even exists.

What's funny is that the people calling others RINOs are usually conservative Southern state's rights people who are upset there is a black man in office. They can mostly be tracked back to the Dixiecrats who left when the Democrats decided to support Civil Rights. To win, Nixon invited them to the Republican party and Regan cultivated them for their money and votes. Now they think they are the true Republicans when the Republican party has traditionally be about civil rights (Lincoln), big government (Johnson), environmentalism (Teddy Roosevelt), and if not ok with unions against corruption in big business (Roosevelt again).

Comment Re:Interesting (Score 2) 136

What's even more interesting is the spectrum of solutions to managing the signal-to-noise ratio, from no comments, to moderated, to the fabulous disaster that is /.'s moderation system.

/.'s moderation system is the worst form of moderation, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.

Comment Re:That was very interesting... (Score 1) 359

Some places that used to have snow will no longer have snow. No places that don't currently have snow will get snow. this, the total amount of snow will be reduced, making it less rare. Anywhere can have snow if you really want it to, but it gets mighty expensive mighty fast.

Actually, most reports I've heard say that snow should increase in some places. Hotter average temperatures in the oceans result in more moisture in the air. That's more cloud cover over mainland and will mean colder temps and more snowfall inland in some places. When talking about the giant heat sinks that are the Earth's oceans, what happens on land is largely irrelevant to the average.

Comment Re:No, because they are not compatible (Score 1) 551

Fusion isn't some magic free energy source. Fuel is not the major cost of energy. Infrastructure and maintenance are the main source of energy. Fusion, let alone any free energy source, wouldn't actually lower the cost of energy much. People would still need to have to build desalination plants, power lines, roads, etc. Hydroponics will use just as much if not more chemicals than normal. Vertical gardens and robots are a pipe dream that would cause more enviromental damage in building them than our current growing methods. Energy has nothing to do with people dumping their garbage. We could get the same benefits from nuclear energy if it would actually solve anything.

Comment Re:"probably" much higher? (Score 1) 196

No, what you'd actually like, is a system of health care in which the price of the simplest medical procedures is not gigantically inflated by profit margins. There is no way an xray costs a thousand dollars.

Keep in mind, that any time you see US medical prices, they are inflated because insurance only pays 33 - 66 cents on the dollar. The hospital charges $1000, but only ends up getting $333 from insurance in most cases to apply to costs, and part of that has to go to helping pay for those that won't or can't pay their own bills.

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