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Comment Re:Can we stop pretending this isn't low level war (Score 3, Insightful) 81

Other than you saw some other moron on the Internet say 'China Did It' ... can you provide some actual proof to back up your claims.

It is simply stunningly illogical for China to behave this way against such petty targets. It makes absolutely NO sense for them to flaunt their ability and willingness to do so as the simple course of action the entire reset of the world would take is a simple matter of NULL routing China and going on about their daily business, your 'war' would be over before anyone really cared.

And ... a DDoS does pretty much nothing to gain you access to government servers or trade secrets.

WTF is it with you nut jobs who seem to think the entire world is out to get you regardless of cost to themselves?

Slashdot is pretty much the only place on the planet that thinks this is an actual attack by the Chinese, perhaps you should ask yourself why? And no, before you get the idea, its not because slashdot is so smart and so far ahead of the general public, that ended 10 years ago.

Comment Education as an industry (Score 1) 121

So the problem here is that Stanford wants to enroll more students without spending more on the resources required to actually support those students.

They want to charge for two students, but pay for the faculty and staff of one.

In other words, much like the cable companies and Internet access to Netflix, they want to double dip.

I.E. This is bullshit and a good example of why if you think a stanford education makes you special, you're right. Special as in retarded to the point that you don't realize you're being ripped off.

Comment You're fucking fired. (Score 2, Insightful) 123

You fucked this spoof of so ridiculously, I'm surprised you even got 42 right.

Stop. Seriously, Just fucking stop.


If you're going to post this shit, you at least have to have read the book before you start making shit up.

Comment April Fool's - Slashdot doesn't get it (Score 5, Insightful) 33

Does anyone at slashdot or dice in general have any fucking clue what April Fools is about?

Its not about posting completely unbelievable ideas you stole from someone elses book/movie/tv show plot.

Its about doing something in such a way that you trick someone else into believing something completely unbelievable.

EVERYTHING posted to slashdot today is just fucking retarded. Not just unbelievable, most of it is just stupid, none of it is original, and not a single reader of this site is stupid enough to actually believe even the headlines to this stupid stories. They aren't clever. They aren't funny. They are just flat out lame.

If you approved one of todays stories, you should have your privs revoked immediately and more appropriate would be to fire your dumb ass, no sense of humor, annoying self in the name of making slashdot suck a little less. FFS, have any of you even fucking READ 2001 or seen the movie Firefly yourself? I mean not just heard about it from someone else, since you seemed to fuck up some pretty simple details greatly.

Comment Re:Sign up? (Score 1) 349

is pwnership of your computer

And be around and watching/sniffing when you login to irs.gov to get your password. Unless you're doing something retarded like storing your password unencrypted in a text file. Most of us have OSes with Password managers that don't suck ass.

Of course, they could just take the information from your mailbox on pretty much any given day of the week for most people and sign themselves up.

Your security concerns are really silly, there are far easier ways to own you, and by the time they've rooted your PC with malware to do what you want, they have everything anyway so your comment is pretty retarded, considering its far more useful to get to your bank accounts and credit accounts which actually have money available to them versus your IRS account which takes money from you.

Comment Re:Ancient Chinese wisdom (Score 1) 116

Or ... More likely, the story is complete bullshit.

China would really sanction such a petty operation against github ... WHY?

GitHub is suddenly target because of what?

It makes no sense for the Chinese to use their own primary connectivity to the rest of the world to run a half assed DDoS against a company that almost no one outside the OSS world even knows exists.

And if they wanted to do it, they'd take github down and be done with it. China has WAY more bandwidth than github, even taking AWS into account.

The whole story is wildly unbelievable to anyone who stops and thinks about it rather running life a half cocked nut job like appearently slashdot has devolved to. If you believe this story, you really need to come back to reality

Comment Re:How are HTML5, CSS and JS not proprietary? (Score 2, Informative) 95

I've written many ActiveX controls, some for use in a browser, some not.

At no point was I required to sign or agree to a license to do so.

You can make ActiveX controls with any compiler that supports WIndows and will create DLLs with C++ calling conventions that match the MS style ... So pretty much all Of them.

ActiveX is no different than XPCOM ... Which is at the very core of Firefox, it's just a convention for generic, self describing plugins and is fully publicly documented.

The only insightful thing about your post is that slashdot has fallen to the point that this sort of ignorance is so commonplace that you got modded to +5

Comment Re:Samsung (Score 0) 148

Die hard Android fanboy exclaims how nothing will get him to switch ... Again ... Because we haven't heard the exact same thing from hundreds of others like you ...

Apple doesn't want you, at all. You prefer things that less than 1% of the population even know about, and a hundredth of a percent of those people care about those features. People like yourself are statistical noise, nothing is lost by losing your business.

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