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Comment Re:How far they've fallen (Score 1, Insightful) 106

Not agreeing with you doesn't make someone a homophobe or a racist. WTF is wrong with you? It has to be 100% your way, all the way, all the time, or the other person is unworthy of life and should be cast out and be unemployable.

Go look in the mirror you, you're exactly the same as a homophobe, you can't stand people that don't think like you do and have no tolerance for it.

Anyone who was so offended by what he did that they couldnt' work with him probably wasn't worth having on board anyway, they would be someone spending more time worrying about something that doesn't actually affect them than doing their job.

I assure you that everyone you worth with does something you despise and find completely disgusting, you just don't know what it is. If you can't cope with people are different and believe different things, and they should be cast out for disagreeing with YOUR personal opinion - you are the problem, not the solution.

Eich didn't bring this belief to the office and didn't treat employees differently because of it. THAT would be a reason to oust him. But he didn't. There is no evidence that he did, just someone that didn't like what he did outside of work and made it a work issue to further their own personal agenda. The exact reason that he was ousted ... was actually what was done to him. He was run out of his position because someone didn't like his personal opinion and beliefs.

Its okay for you to enforce your beliefs on others, but its not ok for them to just have their own belief and not force it on you.


Comment Re:How far they've fallen (Score 0, Funny) 106

Their loss in market share is due to anti-competitive practices by Google and Microsoft.

Meh, maybe its also that the browser fucking sucks for anyone who isn't into self abuse?

Netscape is incapable of making a good browser. They don't know how and its not what they want to do. They may have changed their name and a bunch of other silly bullshit when netscape collapsed and reformed as Mozilla, but the organization still has the exact same problem.

They spend too much time telling us why everyone else is wrong and how they are being treated unfairly, while at the same time building in BLINK and MARQUEE tags. No, I will not ever forgive them for BLINK and MARQUEE and especially not when they still have the same mentality they did in the late 90s. A bunch of devs with no architect or leadership all arguing over what they want to do next. Not because its good for the browser or its what people want, but mostly because its something this particular dev wants to do today. They all just go off and do whatever silly thing they think is amazing.

Firefox gained marketshare when the alternative was IE 6. Thats it. Not since the world moved on from IE6 has Firefox been worth mentioning. When grandma stopped letting you install firefox on her computer because someone showed her Chrome, Firefox's time was over. Both Safari and Edge are superior to Firefox for home users in almost every case where they don't have some fan boy techie screaming at them for being pathetic for using 'not firefox'.

Normal people dont want to spend all day playing with plugins, troubleshooting weird bugs, or figuring out solutions to problems that they just don't have with other browsers. And no, grandma doesn't give a flying fuck about your ad-block crusade, no one does really, its not a real problem anymore, its not the pop-up porn 90s anymore.

You firefox guys continue to live in this tiny little window of time where IE was truly a shitty browser and don't realize that we're not there anymore. The world has moved on, its only Firefox and its users who can't.

Comment When did it transition (Score 1, Insightful) 63

When did it transition from some project to 'advanced communication service'?

If I create an imessage clone in my home lab am I required to let anyone access it? WTF.

Apple runs the servers, they can do with them wtf they want to do with them.

Fuck you if you want your blue bubble without an iPhone, grow up. Buy an iPhone or stop having the stupid ass blue bubble envy. This is a stupid thing to even be talking about.

Private company runs private service and doesn't allow random users to access private service against rules that it made up IN ITS OWN HOUSE.

Please explain to me why the fuck apple has to 'open' this up to anyone?

FWIW - I use android, I get shitty videos pixelated from iPhone users (i.e. everyoen else in my family), I don't get a blue bubble, AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY YOU CARE.

If you thought Beeper Mini was going to last, you were an idiot. If you paid for it, you are definitely an idiot.

Apple can let whoever they want into their house and changing that is like saying I can't control who uses the servers in my closet. Fuck you if you think Apple should be forced to let you onto there servers for ANY reason. Their house, their rules. If you don't like their rules, GO THE FUCK HOME - make your own if you think you're billy bad ass and want to be in control.

Comment Re:Are they bored? (Score 1) 42

Tell me you're an ignorant Linux zealot in one sentence without using the word Linux.

I wrote a long reply to this illustrating the level of ignorance, willful ignorance it appears.

Then I deleted because the first line really is all that needs to be said. 2003 called, they want you to come back and return your slash dot UID and try again. You've missed the last 20 years of reality apparently.

Comment Recreation (Score -1) 158

Pictures are representations of a pattern of photon impacts at during a specific time period. It is true that they do not reflect reality EXACTLY as it was viewed by a human being. Thats true, but no two points in space ever see the same view of the world either. We all get different photons with different properties hitting our sensors, being preprocessed by our systems and then used for something in our brain. We all have different preprocessors, our sensors work differently, ect ect ect.

Doesn't change a damn thing though.

Some pictures are meant to represent the patterns that were present at the time the photo was taken, and other photos are manipulated into something else.

Most humans assume 'real picture' to be unmanipulated. If you want to argue like you are, then we're talking about arguing 'truth in advertising' style crap where you're trying to tell me that a definition that while technically correct, NO ONE WOULD EVER USE OUTSIDE YOUR BUSINESS PLAN, but thats ok, because you came up with a clever, evil, but not technically against the current rules way to do it.

Manipulative assholes like this are why we have to say stupid things like 'real picture' in the first fucking place. String them up by some super sensitive body part and make them out as what happens to rich assholes.

Comment Re: Increase reliability, stop subsidizing batte (Score -1) 382

Defunding the police means taking away their armored personal carriers and assault rifles and stop letting them act like a completely untrained idiot army. We have a TRAINED national guard and military that knows how to go into combat without spraying bullets in the cardinal direction of someone that may or may not be doing anything wrong.

America's cops are mostly angry cowards who toggle between being so afraid of a traffic stop they hold their guns and tremble ask they ask for your ID.

They even think they see a weapon and they'll close their eyes and empty a clip in your direction- God forbid the guy standing in his own back yard doing nothing wrong reached in his pocket for his phone.

Most cops in the US want the power of being a pig, not to protect others.

They start being cops so the get to have a gun and arrest people. Not to protect them. Ask the students at Robb elementary why a 100 cops with all sorts of firearms, automatic weapons, body armor and 'training' stood down the hall cowering behind a corner while ONE KID actively shot others.

I've yet to see body cam footage of a cop discharging a firearm in a way that's acceptable. Every video shows a coward shooting in fear with dumb luck being the only reason they hit a target 10 feet away after completely emptying the clip with their eyes closed and spraying bullets in the general direction of 'the bad guy'.

American cops are rarely heros, most are controlling asshole with anger issues that couldn't find any other way to force their will on someone else. I know drug dealers and thieves that I'd trust my life to, but you'd be hard pressed to find a cop I would trust. Never once have I been involved with a cop for more than 30 manys that they weren't blatantly lying about what happened in order to make themselves look good.

Wake up call, police aren't your friends or helpers, most wouldn't know honor from a pile of dog shit.

That doesn't mean we turn a blind eye to petty crime like California is doing, but your little fantasy about it being because the dems 'refunded them' is fucking ignorant as shit

Comment Re: Allow me to translate the "message" of the vid (Score -1) 240

Yea, I'm sure you would be Billy Bad Ass it it happened to you. And you'd be a big bold dickhead who quit is job on the spot, without considering his family or obligations ...

And you would do it because you think you're so amazing you can instantly get a new job in what isn't the best job market because YOU are the only one that has your amazing unique skill.

You talk a lot of shit, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised by the way you talk if you were typing your message from your cubicle in downtown SF because they told you to get your ass back to work.

You guys that try to act like you can just do whatever you want at any time are transparent as fuck. VERY few people can do that, and you of course are one of the people that can do that ... just like the other million people with slashdot uids lower than you, or the other 6 million people with IDs higher than you ... YOU are that snowflake who has the magic ability to tell employers to fuck off ... but you don't need to cause yours is perfect.

I'm not sure what you are smoking but you live in a fantasy. People that talk shit like this general are the least capable techies I've worked with. The more you have to tell people that you're Billy Bad Ass and you get special treatment, the more clear it is that you're just another person just grinding your way through the day.

I know, I don't know anything about you or your situation ... but I don't have to, how you speak for yourself tells people everything they need to know. I'm sure you'd absolutely get hired anywhere you applied on the spot with your wonderful personality, loyalty and work ethic. How dare those bastards even question you about your leet skillz

Comment Re:Who's this about? (Score -1) 90

Someone please explain to me why parents are letting these kids go to school with phones in middle school and such.

I can see it being more important once kids start driving themselves but there is no reason for a kid to have a phone at school.

The whole 'but I need to stay in contact for this emergency that might happen' excuse is bullshit - the school has had an office phone that could dial in and out since before it started accepting students in almost every school in america, the ones that are older still had phones installed 2 generations ago. There is no reason a kid should bring a phone to school before driving. Period.

They don't need a phone. They want a phone and have shitty parents. Thats different than need.

Comment Re: Full evil (Score -1) 44

Many people prefer the walled garden, including techies. Their stance on privacy are large part of it. I have a galaxy, but everyone else in my extended family has an iPhone because they don't want to live their life around figuring out which apps will F them. And mostly NO ONE CARES that they have to use the app store. You guys rant against Apples walled garden like whiney little bitches.

There is nothing compelling to these people about the wild wild west of apps on phones that you envision in your delusional app store utopia. Being able to install random apps that you think might be useful has exactly 0 value to them.

The walled garden is a feature that nutjobs like you seem to feel the need to destroy because God Fn forbid someone doesn't do it YOUR WAY.

You're a hypocrite, and it burns you up that every one doesn't agree with you. You're life must be miserable.

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