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Comment Re:serious confusion by the author (Score 4, Informative) 235

You're sadly confused. The 3 largest email providers are larger than Facebook, and that ignores all the other providers and corporations, and doesn't include services that are more popular then the big 3 outside the US.

Most people don't have a Facebook account, most of the ones who do, don't use it, fewer still actually bother to login ever, and even fewer still 'prefer' it.

EVERY Facebook user has an email address, as does EVERY twitter user ... you know how they find out about Facebook posts?

EVERY mobile device and OS that matters comes with an email client, do ANY of them come with a Facebook or twitter client out of the box?

Facebook is already past its peak and no longer where the cool kids go as even the kids have realized how shitty it is.

In case you haven't noticed, the fad is ending.

Comment Re:You're a Second-Class Citizen without Email (Score 4, Insightful) 235

The young ones have already quit using it to communicate with friends.

No they haven't. Facebook was a fad that was growing with young ones until they realized it sucks and its no longer the place they go. They still send email though. Moving to twitter for some things? Sure ... except when they want to keep things private.

Newer businesses use newer protocols like RSS to distribute their news feeds.

RSS has been waning for a while, no one outside the techie community watches RSS feeds.

I'd have already ditched email entirely, except that too many people assume that an email address is something everyone has, and so without one you're a second-class citizen on the internet, barred from participating in online forums and from making online purchases.

And there you've just contradicted every point you were trying to make.

Email is almost dead.

Except that every alternative you've claiming to it ... assumes you use email. Do you not realize how silly that sounds?

I know too many people who, while they have an email account, it really isn't something they check every day.

Me too, but they aren't checking Facebook or twitter every day either.

because it just isn't the best solution for anything it does

Thats about the most ignorant statement I've ever seen.

making it worthless for anything besides communicating with people who haven't yet figured that out

Which would be pretty much everyone else on the planet except fad following teenagers. Once you get out of high school you'll realize how silly you sound.

Comment Re:Duh. (Score 1) 235

On the other hand, a voice conversation allows me to talk and work on the actual task at the same time, instead of switching between the task and typing in IM.

No it doesn't, and I'm sure when you think you're doing that, people find you utterly obnoxious and just want to strangle you.

Comment Re:Duh. (Score 1) 235

... with a proper sys admin, the employee doesn't have a choice about what his company does and doesn't see on company time, company equipment, and company networks.

The company simply doesn't allow any one but their own, and logs their own ... just like email.

I'd expect someone with a low UID like yours would show that they have a little real world experience, yet you don't seem to. You seem to think like kids who've never worked at a real business who think they get to dictate terms to their employer.

Comment Re:Not my job (Score 0) 167

Yes, the 0.33 billion Americans should get all uppity and force China to change because the 1 BILLION chinese citizens can't be bothered/don't care enough to overthrow the 0.0000001 billion people that are forcing this on them.

If they don't care, why should I? Is it REALLY making their lives horrible? No. They really don't give a shit that they can't view some dissidents blog in Taiwan or Tibet.

Do you see them fighting their government? No. Are they really suffering? No. Is it anything more than you forcing your viewpoint and culture on people who could give a shit what you think? No.

If they want change and it bothers them, they can start working on the process. Governments can be overthrown, every single one of them. They depend on the citizens to produce the required components needed for the government to function. When the citizens want to get rid of the government and are willing to make the required sacrifices the government doesn't stand a chance in hell. All the citizens have to do is stop producing.

Comment Re:Early universe (Score 3, Interesting) 109

If you are going faster than light then you can escape from a black hole.

There is no part of physics that says speed has anything to do with escaping a black hole. If you could produce enough thrust to travel at just one meter per billion years, you could escape a black hole ... assuming you could keep that speed while inside the event horizon of the black hole. Unfortunately, from a mathematical perspective this appears to be impossible.

After a certain point (the event horizon) light simply bends two quickly back on itself to escape a black hole and stays inside the radius of the event horizon. It doesn't slow down, it changes directions, because space is all sorts of fubar inside the event horizon of a black hole.

What they've proved mathematically as that at the event horizon of a black hole the math fails. It falls apart and no longer makes any sense because the numbers get too large on one side of the equation.

In reality, this doesn't mean 'nothing can escape a black hole'. It means 'nothing we've observed can escape a black hole'. Well, except it can. Hawking radiation escapes a black hole as it evaporates, but all the explanations for why are just silly as they are pretty arbitrary compared to 'light' not escaping.

Another obvious but often overlooked theory is that our universe IS a black hole inside a larger universe. It explains a great many aspects that don't make sense ... but then it also introduces a whole bunch of aspects that don't make sense without making a bunch of assumptions about what is outside our universe, and these assumptions are so absurd from our view point that we just assume they are false.

The truth of the matter is ... science knows a lot less than they claim to about black holes, the big bang, and the nature of the universe. Many scientist treat theories with holes the size of the planet in them as obvious fact when they are no such thing. They have no fucking clue why the universe exists in the state it exists today, but many of them refuse to acknowledge that FACT to anyone. The good ones do. Einstein as an example, had no problem admitting his theories were nothing more than theories and that they were often wrong because they were simply based on the little bits of the universe we can observe.

Comment Re:Just stop already (Score 1) 68

Perhaps you've heard of virtual machines? VPC on Windows isn't even very heavy weight.

Working 'at a good sized ISP' with 'at least 4 different environments' that you need to access and test regularly, its mind numbing that you don't already use VMs for this purpose.

Perhaps you should top pretending to be some senior engineer/architect and start learning how to be one.

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