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Chinese Game Operator Used DDoS Attacks On Rivals 28

carusoj writes "An attack by a Chinese online game provider meant to cripple the servers of its rivals ballooned to cause an Internet outage in much of the country in May, according to police. The escalation began with a distributed denial-of-service attack on a domain registrar that serves many small gaming companies. While the national scale of the effects was unusual, such attacks are common among some small Internet businesses competing to draw customers in China, security researchers say. Police have arrested four people involved in the attack."

Comment Re:Fuck you, this is about EVERYBODY (Score 3, Informative) 594

Your argument is a form of the broken window theory.

I won't argue the merit of your case, but you are confusing the parable of the broken window with a sociological theory which alleges to describe the positive effect that ameliorating environmental blight can have on curbing negative social interactions (i.e. that fixing broken windows can reduce crime).

Comment Re:I'm guessing their bluffing (Score 3, Interesting) 554

it sounds more like this is a game of chicken that NASA intends to play in order to secure more funding, either from congress or elsewhere.

It's called the "Washington Monument ploy" (briefly described here). Agencies do it all the time. It takes its name from the Park Service saying that they'll have to close down sites like the Washington Monument to make the necessary spending cuts when their budget is reduced.

Submission + - Citrix to buy XenSource, raises OSS valuations ( 1

mjasay writes: "Citrix just agreed to buy XenSource for $500 million, showcasing just how hot virtualization and open source are. One significant data point that most people are missing is just how significant the valuation is: roughly 500 times 12-month trailing revenues. This is a shockingly big valuation, one that bodes well for other open-source companies, even those that can't trade off the virtualization hype. It's also a sign that under-investment in innovation by proprietary software vendors is due to bite these vendors in the rear-end."

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