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Comment Re:A non-UNIX OS in a UNIX world? (Score 2) 545

I've long stated that the worst thing the US DoJ ever did to Microsoft - was failing to force them to break apart into separate companies.

Operating systems should have gone one way (at which point, I suspect that modern versions of Windows would be posix-based, probably on BSD). The application stack should have gone another way (MSOffice running on just about everything, instead of being limited in order to sell Microsoft Phones). The hardware stuff into a 3rd company.

Instead of being separate companies and competing - now they are all bound together, fighting for their little fiefdoms tooth and nail, and slowly sinking into obscurity.

Comment Re:Lie. (Score 1) 191

You can, and I'd guesstimate that about 50% of legit SMTP connections to our server are encrypted with TLS. But that number could also be as low as 10-20% (the 90% of all connections being spam zombies makes it harder to estimate).

I have not tracked the value over time to see if it is going up/down. And our site is not particularly large, so we don't have a good sample to pull from.

Comment Re:+-2000 deaths? (Score 1) 119

From my reading, it's possible to be infected for two or three weeks without visible symptoms. This means that there's plenty of opportunity for somebody in Africa to get on a plane and go somewhere else, and then have ebola hit. I have no confidence in confining it to one continent.

You need to go back and read again.

Until you are symptomatic, you are not infectious.

(And it's highly unlikely, as in lightning-strike odds territory, to become able to infect via airborne methods. It will remain a touch bodily-fluids and be infected virus.)

Comment Re:geek or not (Score 1) 238

For DYI, the choice really does boil down to either pfSense or IPFire depending on whether you want BSD or Linux underneath.

Personally, I went with a full blown CentOS with Shorewall / OpenVPN on top, but it was definitely not the easiest thing to setup. Next time around I'm strongly considering a firewall distro.

Comment Re:Good decision? (Score 1) 352

There's really only three Linux distros... Red Hat, Debian, everyone else.

Which is somewhat similar to the days where you had Windows 95/98 vs Windows NT - and you couldn't always run software from one on the other.

And really, once you get past the package manager, most of the differences between the distros are only skin-deep. It's all GNU/Linux underneath.

Comment Re:Seems kind of pointless- the DNS has to be subv (Score 1) 67

DANE is mostly to guard against rogue CAs. CA #1 cannot sign a certificate claiming to represent the domain that was actually certified by CA #2. So it limits the amount of damage that a rogue CA can get away with.

It may also eliminate the need for CAs and certificate altogether. You just store the public half of your certs in the DNS system.

Comment Re:They declared that security required, https (Score 1) 67

Even if you don't do financial transactions on your site - consumers / customers / users are getting more savvy and want *any* personal information to be encrypted in transit. Login details are naturally something that should always be encrypted, but that also extends to things as mundane as URL history or search terms.

I just wish DANE was farther along (plus DNSSEC).

Comment Re:Can we have a [credible] MS Access equivalent? (Score 1) 185

The bigger issue with MSAccess and where other tools fall flat is the ease of linking together multiple, disparate, data sources - without having to register dozens/hundreds of ODBC drivers - mashing the data together, then sending it off to yet another destination.

This is especially critical when you work with ad-hoc data sets that are somewhat or completely different from job to job, client to client, so putting that data into a proper database and writing proper SQL queries to massage it or slapping a web front end on it -- is not worth the time investment.

I've looked at OpenOffice/LibreOffice Base over the years. It's still an infant, not even equivalent to the old MSAccess 2.0 functionality yet. Import/Export of CSVs is difficult - it won't create the tables for you and create reasonable field definitions. Linking to another database requires an ODBC driver connection to be configured on the system.

Worse - it uses HSQLDB, where you have to put double quotes around all of your field/table identifiers. That makes it garbage - because you can not prototype a SQL query in Base, then copy/paste it to another SQL compliant database and get it to run without major changes.

Comment Re:Isolating the problem (Score 1) 220

I really cannot think of a reasonable workflow where that would make sense but I'm not trying to judge

The workflow is pretty much anyone who has to wear multiple hats during the day. Think of open tabs in background windows as short-term bookmarks.

One browser window with half a dozen tabs to keep an eye on the internal ticket system. Another window open with a dozen tabs to track stats on jobs in-progress across multiple days (so that you can just alt-tab to that window, glance through the tabs, rather then rummage for bookmarks or use the awesome-bar). Then typically one window per task / project with anywhere from 1-20 tabs.

As an example, let's say I need to look into GlusterFS. I can either re-purpose one of the my existing browser windows, or better, open a new one and keep all tabs relating to GlusterFS in a single window. I'll start with Google or the GlusterFS home page, then will start proliferating tabs as I find things that are interesting enough to be read, but I'm not ready to dive into that tab yet, nor is it something that I'll want as a long-term bookmark.

As I work through the various tabs, they either get bookmarked after I've read them or just closed.

Not hard to hit 100 tabs. Today is about average and I have 10 windows open, each has 1-15 tabs in it.

Comment Re:Seemed pretty obvious this was the case (Score 1) 311

Of course, you should keep a record of those questions and answers so you can correctly answer them if the need arises.

That's what GPG encrypted text files were invented for.

One text file per account, the contents are a GPG ASCII armored encryption block containing things like the site name, password, account name, answers to security questions, or anything else.

I then store those text files in a version control system, which makes it easy to share across multiple machines.

(The weak link in all of this is the GPG key - but there are options to strengthen that like smartcards.)

Comment Re: Too late (Score 1) 107

Encrypt the tablet / phone - use a 6-9 digit PIN (which is a lot better then just a 4-digit PIN). Have the device wipe after 10 bad attempts (the default on Android).

Most thieves, when presented with that obstacle - will just reformat the device for sale rather then try and steal information off of it.

As for apps, keypass / lastpass are frequently mentioned. My personal preference is a strong master password in Firefox, and just let it remember the 100s of secondary website account passwords (i.e. not my bank, webmail, or other financial sites). The best choices are those where you setup your own webdav cloud storage on your own hardware, and use that to keep things synchronized.

Comment Re:Why? Simple bullshit is why. (Score 2) 107

Four words, strung together, can be a key space as small as 3000^4 (roughly 46 bits of entropy), especially if they are chosen from the top 3000 words in the dictionary. That's nowhere near 6.2 * 10^36.

Misspellings can help a lot and make it a lot stronger (adding maybe 3-4 bits per word). Adding spaces or punctuation between them adds maybe 1 bit per word. Random capitalization of something other then the first letter adds 2 bits per word.

Basically, if you're using English language phrases / words without any munging, you're only getting about 2 bits per character. A bit lower if it's a grammatically correct phrase (~1.5 bits/character), a bit higher if it's random words strung together (~2.3 bits/character). That puts a 26 character phrase like you provided at somewhere between 39-60 bits (and it is always better to assume the lower bound).

Most attackers will assume 2-6 words strung together, from the top N lists. So just tacking words together is not safe. Or they'll use N-grams (sort of like Markov chains, but more general) and go after the most common phrases.

In comparison, an 8-character password, chosen from a field of 64 possibles per character (6 bits) is 48 bits strong. If you managed to use one of 90 possible characters per position, that is 52 bits strong (6.5 bits/char * 8 bits).

48-52 bits is just not a lot these days, if the attacker gains access to the hashed password and can attack it offline. Minimum bits of complexity really needs to be about 64 bits (10-12 characters, fully random) to deal with offline attacks, and 80 bits of entropy is far better.

Comment Re:Notified and ignored? (Score 1) 107

These days the password on your email account is more important then your bank account password...

Because if they can gain access to your email, they can do password resets to gain access to dozens / hundreds of your accounts.

Some of the web email providers have 2FA (two-factor authentication) - those are probably better choices if you don't run your own email server.

Comment Re:Final nail in the Itanium coffin (Score 2) 161

All of which paints a bleak picture for Itanium. There is no compelling reason to keep Itanium alive other than existing contractual agreements with HP. SGI was the only other major Itanium holdout, and they basically dumped it long ago. And Itaiums are basically just glorified space heaters in terms of power usage.

Itanium was dead on arrival.

It ran existing x86 code much slower. So if you wanted to move up to 64bit (and use Itanium to get there), you had to pay a lot more for your processors, just to run your existing workload.

Okay, you say, but everyone was supposed to stop running x86 and start running Itanium binaries! Please put down the pipe and come back to reality. No company is going to repurchase all of their software to run on a new platform, just because Intel says this is the way forward.

Maybe, maybe! If all of the business software was open-source and easily ported to a different CPU architecture it might have worked. But only if you'd gain a 3x-5x improvement in wall clock performance by porting from x86 to Itanium instruction sets. (An advantage that never materialized.)

And once AMD started shipping AMD64 and Opterons that could run your existing x86 workload, on a 64bit CPU, at slightly fastter speeds then your old kit for the same price - that buried any chance of Itanium ever succeeding in the market. Any forward looking IT person, when it came time to upgrade old kit, chose AMD64 - because while they might be running 32bit OS/progs today, the 64bit train was rumbling down the tracks. So picking a chip that could do both, and do both well, was the best move.

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