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Comment Re:A or B (Score 2, Informative) 194

I know some folks who currently work at and worked at IBM. It is not "B". It is taking people who put a lot of time in and are very good at their job and not even giving them the opportunity to lose some salary to keep their jobs. I heard a story from one friend who was at IBM where they were excited to be working with a new team to support them in India but then suddenly being laid off with the Indian team taking over their jobs. So its a train-and-dump scheme a lot of the time.

What IBM isn't realizing is that a lot of these folks will be relearning the know how without the benefit of those who were knifed in the back and also that in other cultures being an engineer for 10-20+ years is not the goal, they _all_ want to be in management and gain "rank" rather than experience and technical know how.

Invariably you get a bunch of freshers with no real experience being lead by the bureaucrats. Its really unfortunate to see very smart very talented people be summarily fired after training what are supposed to be supporting teams and engineers. I also bothers me they are not given the opportunity to meet new terms to save their jobs.

What is not realized is in other cultures the competitors often build up a presence near to or sometimes next door to a place like IBM and poach engineers and intellectual property. And given IBM is all about decent (not trollish) intellectual property this is not a long term good strategy to be using scabs to replace true blue engineers.

You can also read some stuff here about the former IBM union http://www.endicottalliance.or... - they were not a strong or unreasonable union but you can get a feel for how many good long term employees are facing the firing squad.

In 1985 IBM had 230,000 employees mostly in the USA. Now its 71,000 - and who knows where.

Comment Re:Slippery Slope (Score 1) 347

This guy Zuck really does think he is Time Lord Lord President and all moral decisions that end up on his desk he is the sole arbiter of what is right and wrong. The fact that people are thinking a certain way he does not care he is going to correct that thinking by censoring. Unreal. More like Pravda these days than Voice of America.

Comment Re:Apple ain't a freedom fighter at all (Score 1) 238

In addition to handing Chinese "dissidents" to a potentially fatal end at the hands of a lethal government, Apple uses and abuses slave and child slave labor where possible while doing everything possible to not manufacture here in the USA.

And they chose a scumbag terrorist phone owned by a governmental entity (not the terrorist) to suddenly traipse around feigning a sudden regard for privacy and humanity while charging $800 bucks for phones that are twice the price of phones with similar specs that do everything possible to stop jailbreaks.

Comment Re:Right to Privacy (Score 1) 341

People keep missing this, but the phone is the property of those trying to decrypt it. Yes thats right. The phone is literally owned by the government.

Also Apple uses Child slave labor in China and to do this they hand over _whatever_ China asks for - they do not take a stand for humanity where it really can lead to serious consequences.

When a valid warrant has been issued the government and courts should be able to obtain evidence per due process. If apple has the capacity to help in doing this they should or be held in contempt of court. I would recommend the judge jail the CEO in contempt. (and all judges agree as a pact to go after the CEOs in situations like this) I know this will cause issues but the discussion has to be had.

Why the government is out of control is people elect bad government. If the people dont want a snooping police state they need to change it at the ballot box. The people routinely elect authoritarians and laugh off folks like Ron Paul and the like. Then they get all constitution this and that when it finally affects them and its nearly too late.

The same folks mock the second amendment for example but get all ACLU and Pacific Legal Foundation when suddenly privacy is their issue. Whats amusing is they wait until they are defending the privacy of a murderous terrorist who potentially used government property to plot the massacre. These folks also use Yahoo, Facebook, twitter, Microsoft and google which more or less violate your privacy worse than government does and then shares that data with the government.

Stop electing authoritarians that implement a dystopian Orwellian police state for personal gains.

Comment Re:Well no shit, Sherlock (Score 1) 67

Google blocks AdAway and is working much harder to prevent root. This jailing of the user is meant to force the use of the app store which allows them to monetize personal data (being "scrubbed" (year right)) and targeted marketing.

When apps that help to truly make your experience secure ( such as adaway that use fdroid and require root) by blocking horrible ads, scumware, malware, and other trash used by marketing on the internet.

I use various lists just on hosts via android and dns creating blackhole zones with these lists:

Fanboy has some good lists as well

A lot of these lists are not for blocking ads but for blocking really bad content from coming into your browsing experience.

When Google and Apple actively prevent me from cleaning up this rubbish on a device I own and they kill all apps that attempt to do any of this and they remove all the hooks from the OS to allow us to do this its really a poor situation.

Now I have to worry about fdroid going away while Google claims this is a fight against amazon - scamazon. As much as I dislike Bezos and Scamazon and want Google to keep them with a better offering, banning 3rd party appstores and apps is a bad idea because its the only way we can bypass the draconian and ridiculous "rules" the official rules of either Apple or Google app stores force on developers. There are a lot of useless apps out there but they have banned many useful ones because they conflict with their interests and not with safety or security.

Comment Re:Ok. (Score 1) 675

In this case I use Google cache, if Google or Bing caches dont work - Im done. There just isnt anything on the internet worth putting up with scumbag ads which are obtrusive, distracting and full of scumware, malware, trojans and script hacks. I root android only to use AdAway.

Ads that are not "worked into" the content are toast. And good ads, eg, BMW chase ads or superbowl ads that are funny often become the destination for people to watch on youtube, etc. So marketers best be making great products, have great service, get high ratings on the etailer and build a brand and get creative with advertising.

Marketing rats dont realize most sheeple dont care or know why they buy things and the people who are conscious make heavy duty use of comparative reviews, forums, youtube reviews, etc.

The days of spam working are over imho.

Comment Re:Because... (Score 1) 258

I would say given Costco's major increase in having organic foods and much better prices (we jokingly call Whole Foods Whole Paycheck) that Whole Foods was far from "just fine" before doing this. Opening up salaries to all is hardly important - its for the little people to squabble over.

True compensation is with stock, RSUs, bonuses, etc. Total compensation being opening would be hugely interesting and very disruptive. In fact opening things up for just salaries and not just total compensation will allow big companies to fake there is no pay gap but actually increase it.

Comment Re:Big Sister is watching (Score 3, Insightful) 781

List of bro terms (now deemed illegal by the SJW losers):

Code Monkeys - "Dean In Charge"

bro for it

I wish the dried up crones working in tech could get bent an loosen up a bit. This type of loser catering is about offending the majority to preserve the feelings of the minority / mentally disabled.

Comment Re:Do not want (Score 2) 94

Dont worry, Lennart Poettering and his band of lunatics hasn't destroyed the embedded market yet - and the Android folks would just laugh at him if he tried.

Well, maybe we do want our interfaces to be named instead of eth0 en0po1po10s1po. Besure to pepper zeros and O's to make it impossible to retype.

One of my favorite quotes about systemd.

systemd doesnt even know what the hell it wants to be. It is variously referred to as a 'system daemon' or a 'basic userspace building block to make an OS from' - both of which are highly ambiguous. Despite aiming to standardize Linux distributions, it itself has no clear standard, and is perpetually rolling

I have spend huge amounts of time recently dealing with the breakage systemd has caused.

Comment Re:Their work is being wasted. (Score 2) 142

One thing we can look to is that Linux can be put with any user land. Linux can be used in many places. Look at Android, if the init wars has you down fork and roll, or spork it like NextBSD.

The coolest thing I've see in Linux 4.2 is eBPF accompanied by BCC,

Check it out - they are doing dtrace like things with Linux with it:

- You can do IO virtualization
- All network IO can be handled by in-kernel byte code generated by bcc (BPF COMPILER COLLECTION).
- All storage IO can be watched - you can create histograms of slow and face places on disks, raid array, even ceph clusters.
- You can basically implement dtrace for Linux using eBPF to do so.

Basically eBPF has a guaranteed non-looping in kernel general purpose VM.

I think this is an example of a quiet revolution and it started with Linux 4.2

Comment Re:Openness (Score 0, Troll) 141

Zuck the **** is an intellectual property thief, a spy that colludes to collect (nay steal) our information, correlate it and sell it to anyone or any government at whatever price. Then he goes on to want to import an arbitrary number of H1Bs but would never spend a buck on making a decent school in the US. sheryl sandberg worked for a high ranking official in the us gov (larry summers) and was invited to face**** to get a billion+ fortune for doing exactly nothing. On top of this all sheryl sandberg is gallivanting around with billionaires a few months after the husband kicked it, despicable. This despicable company steals information and is run by an intellectual property thief, hires H1B scabs and employs a throng of beltway insiders. Disgusting.

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