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Comment Re:But what is truth? (Score 1) 62

The value of pi is true, the biblical value is not. The periodic table of elements is true, earth wind fire and water are not true elements, etc.

Pi, by definition is an irrational number. Nobody knows the "true" value. Instead we use approximations. The periodic table of elements is not a truth, it is a list and an incomplete one at that.

Comment But what is truth? (Score 0) 62

I have no problem with your religion until you decide it's reason to deprive others of the truth.

Exactly what truths are others being deprived of? One thing religion provides is an external arbitrator of truths, an objective, by definition, right or wrong. Without it, there are no absolute truths and everything is subjective or relevant. As such, truth, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. I'm not making a point in favor of religion. I'm simply pointing out that you can't deprive others of truth if there are no absolute truths. Maybe a more accurate statement would be I have no problem with your religion until you decide it's reason to deprive others of their freedom. While not the same intention, it would at least be congruent.

Comment Re:Some would be well suited. (Score 2) 299

While I agree with what you are saying and those skills are necessary to being successful in IT, it doesn't mean that being in the military makes one proficient in the field --- unless they had actual training in IT related assignments. Yes, today's soldier uses a lot more technology than 20 years ago, but then again so do our kids. Just using technology doesn't mean one has the aptitude for an IT job. It is unlikely that all of the 250,000 people leaving military life each year, as mentioned in the article, can be IT professionals.

That is by no means a put down of those who serve. There are many advantages to hiring qualified ex-military, with few disadvantages. As in all hiring situations, one should look at the individual's aptitude and skills versus making general assumptions.

Comment Re:climate change (Score 2) 162

Well more accurately I think it is that they are denying that HIV causes AIDS.

I disagree that the deniers have moved on to something else. Shit, the Catholic church still claims condoms cause AIDS. And most of the religious right claims it only affects homosexuals.

No, the catholic church does not claim condoms cause AIDS. It does state that certain types of condoms, like lambskin and other natural conds, have microscopic pores that are too small for sperm to pass through thus preventing pregnancy but not too small for the HIV virus to pass through, thus allowing transmission of HIV. It seems that the medical community is in agreement with them on that.

Comment Re:Islam and Math / Science (Score 1) 534

We should thank secular values for keeping religion in check and forcing its reformation. BTW islam needs a deep reformation too ASAP if you didn't notice.

In the West, secular values are Judea-Christian values. You can't separate one from the other, no matter how hard you try.

Sorry, but the arrow of progress usually comes from ideas outside of religion or at least outside of the fundamental, literal interpretation of religious texts. Democracy is not a Judea-Christian value, we got that from the greeks. And not from their religious beliefs, but rather from their philosophers. While there were Christians who fought slavery, the idea that slavery is immoral is not based on the Jewish nor Christian sacred texts which explain in detail who can be a slave, and how to treat slaves. 10 commandments, none of them even hint that slavery is bad. Gay rights? Nope. Women's equality? Nope. Religious freedom? Nope? Freedom of speech? Nope. Secular western society is a direct result of The Enlightenment which was not based on Christian theology, even though many of the participants were Christian. The Enlightenment was based on the belief that humans were capable of understanding how the world works and that we could and should use that knowledge to improve life before death. The Enlightenment encouraged questioning long held beliefs and assumptions.

Modern society is built upon The Enlightenment. So called Judeo-Christian values have evolved in response to The Enlightenment. Not the other way around.

But suppose you could. Why would one group's secular values be any better or worse than another's? Why would your secular values be better than Islam's religious values?

If you mean in some magical sense where the universe or reality at its core cares one way or another, no values are better than other values. But I assure you, some values lead to more flourishing and some values lead to more suffering.

Western society didn't rely on the Greeks until the Holy Roman Empire became Western society, so while Greek philosophy is part of our modern culture, it's because the Catholic Church embraced it that made it so.

And while modern society was built on the Enlightenment, it was based on the prior periods that were again under church influence? Why do we not marry first-cousins? Not because we discovered genetics because of the Enlightenment, but because long before religion said not to do so. Why do we have hospitals, orphanages, universities and legal systems? Again, not because of the enlightenment, but because the Catholic and later Anglican churches said to do so. Why do we care about the poor and homeless? Again, not the enlightenment or secular values, but deeply ingrained religious values handed down from generation to generation.

Not to be an apologist for the catholics, but you can't ignore the impact they had on Western civilization. One could even argue that if it weren't for them the Enlightenment would never had happened. Remember, unlike other denominations, they are the ones that upheld faith AND reason, not just faith alone.

Regardless, since culture and values are handed down from one generation to the next. The fact that in the past that culture and value system was heavily influenced by religion means that even today, our modern society is tainted by it. You simply cannot escape it. Don't get me wrong, all sorts of terrible things have been done in the name of religion but that doesn't mean that today's mores are not still influenced by that religion. Even the United States Constitution includes a freedom to express one's faith without government interference. If the US is the epitome of western society and values, it's first principle even deals with religion.

We are all products of our culture and our culture includes Judea-Christian values, whether we ourselves share those religious beliefs or not.

Comment Re:Islam and Math / Science (Score 3, Insightful) 534

Oh really?! You must be either ignorant, republican, a troll, in bad faith or all of them. Bye troll.

Actually, none of the above. However, one has to take a pretty twisted view of history to ignore the shaping of Western society, for better or worse, because of religious influence. Doesn't make that influence right or wrong, but if you can't even admit its influence, then that speaks more to your own bias than to religion's.

Comment Or... (Score 1) 651

Wilson's goal is still to render government gun regulation useless, even as debate rages on banning this kind of manufacturing

Or he will wake the sleeping giant and increased regulation will proliferate!

Comment Re:Islam and Math / Science (Score 1) 534

So. back then Sunni and shitte muslims could live with each other without killing each other too.

That doesn't happen today either. Every muslims country is 90% one and 10% of the other. and the other always is pushed down.

I don't think that is unique to Muslims. Pretty much any group that espouses a particular ideology, once it obtains a majority, will use their power to keep and expand it. The ideology doesn't have to be based on religion. It could be political, economic, social, or whatever. When groups value their ideology more than they value people, bad things will always happen.

Comment Re:Islam and Math / Science (Score 1) 534

We should thank secular values for keeping religion in check and forcing its reformation. BTW islam needs a deep reformation too ASAP if you didn't notice.

In the West, secular values are Judea-Christian values. You can't separate one from the other, no matter how hard you try. But suppose you could. Why would one group's secular values be any better or worse than another's? Why would your secular values be better than Islam's religious values?

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