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Comment Stigmatization (Score 1) 125

the name had been chosen to avoid references to a specific geographical location, animal species or group of people in line with international recommendations for naming aimed at preventing stigmatization

Well then, guess I'll be referring to it as the Wuhan Chinese Bat-eating Virus.

Comment Re:Doesn't this just help the malware purveyors? (Score 1) 84

Please keep in mind that browsers allow sites to do very deceptive things with URLs.

Hovering over a "link" in a Google search result will indeed display the URL which you'll ultimately arrive at if you click it, but that "link" won't take you directly where it says it will. (Just use your browser's DOM inspector to verify this.) Your request WILL pass through Google first.

Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 67

Then why are you posting a comment in response to a post about a video game?

Do you visit other websites which discuss items you have no interest in and alert the users there about your ambivalence towards the topic?

You must be a hit at parties.

Comment Wow. (Score 1) 280

Also farming can introduce a lot of bad chemicals into the surrounding ecosystem, ranches are much less impactful on the area outside of the ranch.

Hahaha, good one...

Wait, you were serious? AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I must have hallucinated all those e. coli outbreaks on spinach and lettuce over the last 10 years...

How does it feel to be so wrong? Does it hurt? Deep down?

Comment Hong Kong (Score 5, Interesting) 87

I wonder what policy changes governments around the world might make (if any) in the event that the protests in Hong Kong are violently crushed by the PLA. With smartphones everywhere, there would be much more footage available than was the case during the Tiananmen Square massacre.

Incidentally are there any slashdot substitutes which still allow anonymous posting?

Was it really worth the cost of losing the positive contributions of people who needed to remain anonymous just to get rid of the APK spam? I mean, as long as people are reading at +1 it should be a non-issue.

Then again, the fact that there wasn't a story posted on the main page about the change isn't very encouraging... another site lost to a "safety and trust committee".

Comment Re:Translation (Score 2) 327

Wow, after such a thorough debunking these scientists will never be published again! They'll probably turn to suicide before the end of the year, now that Super Ken Doll has exposed them for the frauds they are.

It's a fine thing to demonstrate that their study is invalid, but please think of their innocent families before you humiliate them in this manner!

Comment Didn't conduct the experiment in Japan (Score 2) 132

It seems pretty strange to omit the country which is known for acting honestly when handling lost property. (Yes, umbrella and bicycle theft DOES happen in Japan, but if you drop your wallet in a train station, there's about a 99.9% chance that it will be handed over to a station attendant with the contents intact.)

Instead of including Japan (which almost certainly would have registered the most honest behavior), Switzerland is reported as being the most honest country on planet Earth. Let's take a quick look at the CV of the lead author of the study...

PhD in Economics from the University of Zurich, Switzerland

Hmmm, must have some sentimental reason for this decision.

Comment Re:Not monopolies (Score 1) 414

Amazon and Google aren't monopolies in any serious sense of the word. Yes they are 800lb gorillas in their respective space but not monopolies unless you define the market so narrowly as to make the term lose meaning.

Holy fucking shit, your pedantry has clearly crossed the line into the autism spectrum. You should have yourself evaluated by a mental health professional, as should anyone moderating your comment up or posting similar comments. The real world is waiting for you, when you're ready. It's going to take a lot of hard work, but if you have the support of your friends and family, I know you can make it.

Comment Re:Free at last!! (Score 4, Insightful) 42

give the employees a choice of a dozen different arbiters that Google feels are fair players, and let those arbiters fight it out for employee preference by competing on the most fair dealings for employees

Why would it be in a business's interest to use fair arbiters?
Why would arbiters, who rely on corporate defendants (not aggrieved individuals) for repeat business, be motivated to render fair findings rather than findings which favor the company?
Why do nearly all contracts which require mandatory binding arbitration also specify that the results of arbitration must remain secret?
As much as you hate the idea, governments have a larger role to play than simply providing for the national defense.

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