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Chinese News Reports the Taliban Are Training Monkey Soldiers Screenshot-sm 232

According to a Chinese news publication, soldiers in Afghanistan may soon come up against a deadly new weapon in the war: monkey soldiers. The report claims that the Taliban are training the monkeys to shoot and kill American soldiers. They also claim to have pictures of monkeys holding AK-47s and Bren light machine guns. From the article: "The New York Magazine has reported about this in jest and stated on Friday, 'No invader has ever conquered Afghanistan, and now we know why. The monkeys will not allow it. It was a good effort, but it's time to pack it in. This is no longer a fight we can win.'”

Comment Re:Boo fuckin' hoo (Score 2, Interesting) 409

They are one and the same.

The main problem was that the Reid campaign was running a web site that gave people the impression it was his competitor's site. It had active forms, either collecting user information or dumping it but giving the impression they were signed up.

The key goal would be to stop this activity.

Because Reid's campaign used copyrighted material in this ruse, using a copyright legal argument to get the website down seems reasonable.

This in no way stops or prevents additional legal filings at a later point. If there is anyone who got an e-mail or anything that gave them the perception of being enrolled after using the site or worse the code shows Reid's campaign was collecting this information, it will sink him.

Americans are pissed off at corrupt incumbents who don't respect the will of the people. If Reid turns out to be playing an underhanded/illegal game, it will put him further in the hole then he already is, he is not going to get re-elected, yet he is so disconnected from reality and because he has so much money, he thinks he has a chance.

Besides what were the "wackie views" she is running away from anyway? Lower taxes, less spending, limited government? If you look at the polls, she is in the majority. What is so crazy about any of that? The department of energy was created in the 1970s, we did fine without it up until then, I think we could somehow survive without it in the future. Every state has an EPA and a Dept of Education, we don't need these at the federal level, they aren't part of the enumerated powers anyway.

Comment Re:Boo fuckin' hoo (Score 5, Informative) 409

Umm, you need read and understand the facts before you post.

The issue is not that Senator Reid's campaign merely reposted parts of her website. Or that she was running away from positions she has taken in the past.

It was that the Reid campaign created a website to look like hers and used that site to get names, emails and other information from people who believed it was her site.

Comment Re:My cards are with Chase (Score 1) 398

You aren't more financially agile then him if he has more cash on hand because while you were paying interest he was getting paid interest. Or if you are holding debt currently and he isn't. I decided two years ago to change my thinking to get out of the rat race. I had an awesome house ($3200/Mon mortgage) and newest Accord ($500/month payment), student loans. I sold house, paid off car, paid off student loans. I rent a condo down the street for less then property taxes. Now each month a save $2000. My wife no longer has to work. I am less stressed. Life is so much easier. Paying off car, loans wasn't fun, but it was worth it. Now I live within my means and as I do my future means rises. Americans don't need to deficit spend to get out of recession, we need to save and buy what we afford to avoid repeating problems that caused meltdown. How could banks lend to people who were unable to pay if those people never signed thee loan?

Comment I think it is far more likely ... (Score 1) 436

That Apple gets out of the computer business completely and focuses on iDevices, than it is that iOS and OS X will merge.

That said I cannot wait for iTiger, they could run commercials "it's the i ... Tiger, its the thrill of the web, downloading apps, music and email content. It's magical devices ..."

I know, I know, I too find myself hilarious.

Comment Re:It's a phone (Score 1) 145

You know I don't need a security exploit to cause iPhone/iPad users trouble by pushing them over their data plan.

All we need to do is send them e-mails with attachments and it just so happens that I have a long list of iPad users I purchased from my Russian friends.

Hey that gives me a great idea. I invest in AT&T stock, take advantage of their pricing scheme by flooding AT&T users with more bits then they can afford, sell the stock after the quarterly profits shoot through the roof. Wow, making money like a Chicago gangster is fun.

For bonus points I could short Apple stock, and use a virus that infects iDevices (They have taken more than a year to patch some security holes, so I just need to keep an eye out for one that works for me, that way I could push people over on the send and recieve sides as my virus propogates and depreciates Apples inflated share price.

Comment Re:Hubris. (Score 1) 245


Umm, for starters there are going to be 2GHz Android modible phones by the end of this year. Android phone makers can select from a variety of different processors. If Apple cannot innovate faster than the whole of them. Companies like Samsung and Intel will school them.

Just look at the smart phone market, look at how much faster Android is innovating, look at how in the last 1.5 years Android came from behind to being the leader. Apple is chasing Android innovations or ignoring what customers want (like Flash), where Android is meeting those needs. Android is freedom, you can pick manufacturers, you can pick carriers, etc. iOS is closed, you can't pick anything. Same thing happened with Macs versus PCs. Steve Jobs is going to repeat the same mistake, and it all stems from the fact that he is a control freak who wants to control everything.

My personal opinion is that Apple has no intention of making a great mobile line of chips, that isn't their goal. They want two things, 1). They want to keep the money training flowing, not just with initial hardware sales, but with App sales, carrier kickbacks and iAd sales, so they need to ensure people don't buy iPhones and run Android on them and 2). They want to use it as a marketing tool for as long as they can.

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