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Comment When will IPv4 go *silent*? (Score 1) 595

Never. IPv6 would have to be demonstrably better *everywhere*, even in un-upgradable legacy embedded systems. (Even now, there are plenty of places where horses and donkeys are used because cars can't go or are impractical.)

Even the answer to the question when will IPv4 become obsolete? is "A long, *long* time from now" because it's simple, Just Works, and is pervasive.

(If there was no NAT or unroutable IP ranges like 10/8 then IPv6 uptake would have happened a lot sooner.)

Comment Re:Lots of negative nancies in here (Score 1) 243

Gotta love context-free quotes!!


[That interpretation of my comment] is, of course, ridiculous because the business we were in was making PCs, and almost from the start I had them at home and my wife played Scrabble with time-sharing machines, and my sixth-grade son was networking the MIT computers and the DEC computers together, hopefully without doing mischief, using the computers I had at home. Home computers were a natural continuum of the "personal computers" that people had at work, in the laboratory, in the military.

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