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Comment Re:Unsable Code, again (Score 1) 199

stretch of memory beyond the buffer, zero it out, and check it to see if it's zeros later.

I don't remember the correct term for such regions, but nulls are a very bad sequence to put there, since... they can't be distinguished from actual, purposeful zeros.

Better to initialize the area with something like 0xDEADBEEF.

Comment Re:I'm confused (Score 1) 139

Hell, you can (and we do) make any shorter-chain molecule by cracking.

Diesel oil is a bunch of mid-length chains and rings, which naturally exist in crude oil, and have been used that way for 110 years.

But since we want more gasoline & diesel oil than is naturally in crude, we crack the high-carbon molecules into the ones that we want more of (and then reform those too small into longer ones), instead of burning it in building boiler rooms, ships and making candles.

To reiterate, though: the chains that we call "diesel oil" absolutely, positively do exist naturally in crude oil.

Comment Re:Fox News? (Score 1) 682

Why is it so hard to only have politicians for a few years, then have them go away?

Because people like power, and don't like giving it up. (If you really had to ask that, then you're too young to vote.)

Comment Re:Fox News? (Score 2) 682

but the IRS sure is doing an excellent job of looking guilty as hell right about now.

Purdy much... "What can we do to inflame Glenn Beck's foam horde even more? I know!!! Let's shred all the evidence proving our innocence!"

And these are the type of people They want running nationalized health care?

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