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Comment Re:Unlatest (Score 1) 114

... or to spend less by investing in a few additional systems to be used as dedicated render nodes.

Especially if you buy used systems. Computer hardware depreciates fast.

Wouldn't it be possible to use Amazon EC2 to set up a scalable render farm?

Comment Re:Contact your state senator!!! (Score 2, Funny) 253

severely diminish the quality of all radios out there.

Have you actually listened to the radio? How can it get any worse? Oh no, I won't be able to hear the same eleven songs played over and over and over again with random call-ins by idiots asking for the same crappy song that got played 30 minutes ago. I don't know if this legislation will help make radio better, but I can't imagine it getting much worse than it already is.

Comment Re:RIAA is right on this one. (Score 5, Insightful) 138

If he acknowledges that he is violating the law, and will continue to do so regardless, he is also seemingly willing to accept any consequences that result from his actions, so I see no problem. He is partaking in Civil Disobedience. Part of that is accepting the consequences of your actions. Not that I agree or disagree with his decision. If he has a constitutional argument, maybe he'll be able to change the law, but I'm sure he realizes he's making a gamble.

Comment Re:Until they turn against you (Score 1) 104

You can design them to be wiped with an EMP, or to stop working when they're out of a specific magnetic field (and have such a magnetic field when you want them to work), a bit like some laboratory bacteria are made unable to synthesize proteins that they need so they can't survive in the wild. You could also make them solar powered and use a solar shade when you're done.

Well, then they'll just build/generate their own magnetic field, or dismantle your solar shade machine...

Comment Re:Sounds familiar (Score 1) 96

Perhaps, but unless they've been in jail then it's probably just the same old hypocrisy and moral superiority based on age.

So, yes, Kevin Mitnick was pretty famously put into prison. From what I remember, he got a particularly harsh sentence because the general public didn't really understand what it was that he did. He wasn't even allowed to use the phone in jail because their was a silly belief that he could launch nuclear missiles by whistling tones into the receiver or something. He did something wrong, yes, but people confused real life with WarGames and he got the short end of the stick. If anybody's learned this lesson the hard way, it's definitely Mitnick.

Comment Re:Think of the children? (Score 4, Funny) 205

allowing them to operate unfettered in the United States would present a clear danger to our youth, who are subject to becoming addicted to gambling at an early age

Even if they did--for some odd reason--forget to make internet gambling specifically illegal for minors, what kid has a line of credit that's sufficient enough that they can gamble online for long enough to create an addiction?

Illegal offshore Internet gambling sites are a criminal enterprise

Gotta love arguments against legalizing things that are based entirely on the fact that they are currently illegal... Then again, I live in a state where gambling is legal, so long as you're on a body of water (no matter how small), so it's not like any of this has ever made much sense...

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