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Comment IdIoTs (Score 5, Insightful) 196

Wow, an article hyping a fork of the internet that is all...hype!

Let's say 2-10% of the total population use devices to actually control or monitor web-connected appliances. That's not where the market is.

It's all about the 100% of the population are subjected to an unending bombardment of ads on their refrigerator and microwave screens, based on personal data profiles garnered from same-said appliances associated with other known user info. Universal real-time context-based marketing. SCORE!

This isn't about technology. It's about marketing, pure and simple.

Comment Re:Good thing SCADA isn't on internet (Score 1) 61

This. People with no industrial background love to blame the engineers for the security failings of SCADA and Distributed Controls, but we, like all good company drones, are at the mercy of the MBA shitheels and their bankster overlords. It's never been a technical problem. It's a money problem.

Comment Re:Is Already Happening (Score 2) 574

There will be an intermediate period where we have a lot of "jobs for the sake of jobs", but eventually I hope we just let the machines we've built do the work and find some better (hopefully more direct) way of managing actual finite resources.

Said intermediate period is well under way. We call it "government". /sarc

Comment Re:Military defines "edge" differently than we do (Score 1) 117

And yet the Nazis were decisively defeated by sheer numbers of lower-tech weapons.

A thousand Huns could easily defeat a century of Roman triarii. A thousand Sioux braves could defeat a regiment of dragoons. History abounds with examples of "more" defeating "better". Quality is by no means a guarantor od success over quantity.

Comment No Substantial Change At All (Score 1) 401

Nothing of substance is at issue in this election. Petty bickering about social issues for public consumption will continue unabated as both parties continue their usual pandering to Wall Street. The only bills that will make it to the president and be signed will be those that exclusively benefit the ruling class.

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