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Comment how does this fit? (Score 1, Interesting) 442

Could this all just be measurement error? But the people who'd know are taking these findings seriously, so probably not.

Photons have to travel at the speed of light because they have no mass. What if there were a way for neutrinos to have negative mass?

That's probably too freaky even for physics.

Is there a way to do some arm-waving about string theory that makes this all work?

Comment first link - bad translation (Score 1) 76

A lot is getting lost in translation:

"[Shanghai is the proposed "innovation house" to promote public hands lathe machine tool has everything you will] newspaper reported use of machine tools, lathe? Are not interested in DIY a stool? Shanghai Science and Technology Commission plans to "second five" during the construction of 100 "innovation house", each area of not less than 100 square meters, equipped with wood lathes, metal lathes, saws and drill grinding combined machine, milling machine and other tools, the first streets in the four pilot projects."

Comment Re:Try dual n-back instead... (Score 1) 82

Let's not forget Great free site, lots of game-like brain exercises, and sporting a clean no-nonsense design Slashdotters will love.

And we don't have to rely on reports of folks just feeling better. N-back practice has been shown to correlate with working memory gains and likely with fluid intelligence as well. Single was as good as dual in one study.

Comment users vs time (Score 3, Interesting) 411

I bet the loss in users is nothing compared to the proportion of users who keep their accounts but don't use the site, or view without ever posting. The site is an unpleasant minefield of tiny little areas you never want to click on. If users are declining when so many people have more than one account, I bet they're tanking more than they'll ever want to admit.

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