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Comment Re:Hire better people? (Score 1) 153

I wonder which employees find the process to be "to complicated" ...

I wonder which employees need to identify the data, create profiles and taxonomies, and put software into place...

Am I going too fast for you? Are we not making the connection here?

I never said I knew better than these drooling morons, but now I'm saying I know better than you.

Comment Re:Hire better people? (Score 3, Insightful) 153

Back in the late 90s, these companies actually trained their employees and gave raises that matched performance.

It was really amazing. Nowadays companies don't train their employees, and it shows.

It's funny to read the article and not think about training budgets being a thing of the past. It's the software's fault, not managements for sucking away the training dollars.

Comment Re:Flash in Acrobat Reader (Score 1) 133

I've hearing on slashdot about these open source readers for some time, but only recently did I experience one. I had a 300MB pdf that Adobe Reader just wouldn't open at all. A day or so of reading forums and updating components and I finally got it to open the file.... takes about 5 minutes and lags whenever I try to scroll. So I downloaded Foxit (after reading about it on /., and I'll never switch back. It opens the scene in about 2 seconds, and scrolls nicely. (Not that the file DID open originally in photoshop *and* illustrator, but not the native application that is supposed to read the file.

I don't know what adobe did to reader, but it's unusable nowadays and frankly I'm done tinkering with it. It's a bloated POS. It's sort of how I feel about all of Adobe's software anymore, with the exception of lightroom.

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