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Submission + - Dell Aero: Ultimate Example of Android's Flaws (

snydeq writes: "InfoWorld's Bill Snyder sees Dell Aero as the epitome of what is currently wrong with Android: platform fragmentation and ongoing carrier tyranny despite Google's liberation promise. 'The Aero runs on Android 1.5, an operating system that is 16 months old and four versions behind the current Android OS,' Snyder writes. 'Dell has said it so highly customized the Android UI that it's unclear when or if it can let users update to the current Android 2.2 version. That's the kind of forking lunacy that so often undermines open source efforts.' Meanwhile, 'Google is strengthening the hand of the carriers by dumping its support for Net neutrality and endorsing Verizon Wireless's position that wireless carriers should be free to do pretty much whatever they want.'"

Comment Re:Enititlement issues? (Score 1) 624

They do, but, I do own my car. I pay ridiculous amounts in taxes for said roads. I also pay registration as another tax. They can do to the plate what they want, but so can I as an act of Free Speech.

These things are going to consume some power... is the government going to lower taxes on fuel to compensate for the amount of fuel it takes to power these license plates?

Maybe they will be battery operated... what happens when the battery dies? I will say what others have said, if I wanted to drive around a billboard for others, I'll choose who I advertise for.

You know as well as I do, the day these are foisted on people, they will be hacked. That is more of my tax money wasted. I really think that is the crux of the issue, it is nothing more than a flagrant waste of tax money on something that is going to end up costing more in the future than it is worth.

Comment Re:So... it is really due to CPU's? Re:Wrong tag (Score 1) 288

if your front door had a lock that could be opened by anyone pushing a button clearly marked on the outside, and a robber pushed the button and came in, would you consider that a fault of the lock, the door, or the house?

Answer is none of the above, I would fault the owner :) On topic, the script should catch these sorts of things before processing.


Submission + - Seven atom transistor created by Australians (

Enigma23 writes: The BBC reports that Australians creators have constructed a seven atom transistor, which could result in microchip components "up to 100 times smaller" than those currently in use. The article does point out that this is not the smallest ever, as one-atom transistors have already been created. The work on the tiny transistor is being carried out as part of a larger project to create a quantum computer.

Comment Re:only fight back if you can survive (Score 1) 458

in my highschool, bullies had knives or pistols.

If they had knives and pistols, and you knew it, you acted as nothing more than an enabler, and are worse for it.

if they didnt have those, they had friends who did not hesistate to jump in afterwards.

That is the part that helps to make you more well rounded, Life is not a video game, you cannot achieve 100%. It is those knocks that strengthen us for our next fights, physically or mentally.

There is the other side of the coin, which is simply you so badly beat your "bully" that his friends don't mess with you, I've seen that happen too.

I really feel that kids should be allowed to fight, I have been saying this for years. Kids today have no place to channel aggression. Thus we get things like columbine happening. These school shootings are nothing more than pent up aggravation, and by the person(s) involved, they really don't see a way out, this is the only way they can solve the problem. Parents are partially to blame, but if these kids were allowed to ball up a fist and throw it every once in a while, they may be happier for it, even if they end up with a nose bleed, shiner, etc.

Comment Re:Texas (Score 1) 1238

They are driving Californians the maddest of all...
We a supposed to be the crazy ones...
Texas is trying to steal our thunder...
or maybe they are the yang to our ying...
No matter, we need to stop the BS on all sides... Oh and AYE! (you can vote California off the map as well, just give me a heads up before you do).

Comment Re:RTFA (Score 1) 804

And you all thought it was us Californians who where the crazies... wait we still are...


back on topic... a 25 cent piece of candy is providing someone 5 extra hours of work for the weeks detention, and, presumably, they get to eat the candy too.

MIT Unveils First Solar Cells Printed On Paper 125

lucidkoan writes "MIT researchers recently unveiled the world's first thin-film solar cell printed on a sheet of paper. The panel was created using a process similar to that of an inkjet printer, producing semiconductor-coated paper imbued with carbon-based dyes that give the cells an efficiency of 1.5 to 2 percent. That's not incredibly efficient, but the convenience factor makes up for it. And in the future, researchers hope that the same process used in the paper solar cells could be used to print cells on metal foil or even plastic. If they're able to gear efficiencies up to scale, the development could revolutionize the production and installation of solar panels."

Comment Re:Lawyer? (Score 5, Insightful) 554

A much better idea would be to have the city lay out it's grid (cable, internet, telephone, etc) and then lease its usage to competing companies, The infrastructure becomes an investment that the community has, and is able to profit from. All potential lessees would be charged the same amount for usage of components of the grid, thus you have the same base rate for each company, then they each have to figure in the profit margin etc... no need to explain this any further.

I realize this is a corruptible system, at the same time, it would be a self correcting system, as the community can decide which is offering the best service for the price.

There would be a large "up front" Investment here, but would pay for it self, especially when you get a large number of companies on the same grid.

Comment Re:Your rights OFFLINE! (Score 2, Interesting) 709

I understand your Darwinian point, and there's certainly an element of truth to it. The question is, how much do you value human life? You could, for example, send all your kids off to war, and indeed you will have "survival of the fittest." But you will also lose a lot of perfectly good future husbands and office workers, not to mention a lot of senseless, random deaths.

Kids do need to learn how to stick up for themselves, but in this case you had a 15-year-old who didn't know how. That's a failure of education. Nobody took her aside to explain that there was a legitimate (i.e. non-suicidal) way out.

There is also an element of gang assault here that is criminal. And it's completely inappropriate that 17-18 year olds were involved in this kind of immaturity.

There is two things that I think people are missing here, but I think the grandparent touched on. First Age means nothing, especially when you are trying to separate by one or two years.

There is no magic that happens when one turns 15, 16, 17, 18 etc. all that happens is you age another day. We all grow and change slowly, which is in part the reason that a company may prefer to hire a 30 something for a professional position, and a 20 something for retail type position. In other words, to me, it sounds like you are saying that what everyone else did was OK! but the 17 and 18 year olds should fry. They all should be punished, I don't know about locked up for life.

I cannot speak for others, but I had a pretty good idea of what was right and wrong before I was a teenager. That doesn't mean that I always chose to follow the right path. Part of being human is learning as we go, we all make mistakes, we all do dumb things.

I am not excusing this behavior in any way, on the contrary, I really blame the parents. I cannot blame the school officials, their hands are tied, god forbid these kids have any form of an authority figure in their lives. People say detention, suspension, expulsion. These people forget what it is like to be a kid, most dislike going to school, detention was usually fun, suspension was a vacation, expulsion meant you were going to another school next week.

I must admit, I am a huge fan of letting kids duke it out. That is the natural way of settling things, I was lucky enough to grow up at a time where fighting was allowed, however, frowned upon. I am not saying with weapons, I am saying with your fists.

Missed point #2, This could have easily been another Columbine, with lots of dead students and teachers, instead of just one. I should note that I put her parents equally to blame for her suicide as the harassing kids, they should have seen the warning signs, they should have been monitoring internet usage, most of all they should have been there for her. I see the job of a parent as that of someone who is there to help you pick up the pieces after you have fallen, not to prevent the fall in the first place. If you have kids, be there for them when they fall, be there to help them pick up the pieces, and know what is going on in their life so you can be prepared for the fall you can see coming.

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