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Comment Re:America, land of the free... (Score 1) 720

This very much depends on "what average IT job". I am in Finland and work a "very average IT job" and a major telco, me and my colleagues don't just have to provide our criminal record to the employer - the Finnish intelligence services (not regular police) do a full background check on us.

But it is worth mentioning, that content of the background check is not revealed, the employer only gets "yes" or "no" result from the check for the particular job. So in fact you are not providing your criminal records to anybody, you just provide permission for the background check.

Comment Death knoll for Java (Score 2, Insightful) 187

I have to work with Java after a long while, and it is just... Suffocating. Archaic. Kludgey. Oracle. Ask! toolbar. trWTF.

C#, please come and rescue us! F#, deliver us from evil! MS has a chance to do some real good on the backend/server side landscape here. Let's hope they'll somehow manage to not screw it up!

I don't wish for Java to disappear or fail, mind you, I just wish I don't need to work with it in future...

Comment Re:Idea (Score 1) 244

A rich person lives in a House. The money for maintaining it comes from somewhere. He eats with his family, money comes from somewhere. He uses a car for personal purposes, money for that comes from somewhere. He does a personal investment with money.

In my idea, all that money came to him as taxable income, no loopholes. Anybody spending a lot of money would have to (either eat into existing savings or) use taxable money for it. If company pays directly, it's still income and company needs to pay the tax toi. Flat tax rate is important here, no deductions, so there isn't complex tax calculation to be done, just $X (money or benefit) received by the person, then $Y paid in taxes would come directly from flat tax rate.

Comment Re:Idea (Score 1) 244

I think that with BLS there should be no progressive tax rate. Instead, there should be flat tax rate from any income, to be paid immediately, preferably automatically, no excemptions. You get money, you pay your share and rest is yours. The more you work (or smarter you invest), the more you get, linearily.

Also no tax evasion or loopholes, and no bureaucracy.

This would apply to individuals, whether they were employed or self-employed, and taxation would only get more complex with bigger businesses.

Comment Re:universe-altering information? (Score 1) 99

Well, universe damn well should care! Once we trigger the next phase change in the currently metastable quantum space, there'll be no going back. There won't even be time so even talking about going back makes no sense.

It's a bit like kids, once you get one started, you won't have much time (or any, depending on your moral values and local laws) to get rid of it, before it will trigger irreversible phase change in your life.

If only someone had explained these things to our universe, before it started to experiment with rocky planets. Once you go that far, accidents start happening.

Comment USians need 2 jobs to make a living (Score 3, Funny) 83

It's been said by many, that in the US you need two jobs to make a living. I guess for many people it is X-Mart job during the day, Mac Burger job during the night, but this proves, that also the rich people need two jobs to make ends meet. I suppose this is an equal opportunity thing, so good?

Comment Re:Wow (Score 2) 429

Other people are using a *public* wifi connection you're connected to, using some of the bandwidth ...

They are not "using some of the bandwidth". They are DOSsing the router by filling its connection table. Quite different.

Comment Re:Pixie Dust (Score 5, Interesting) 252

Because Legos are made out of pixie dust, not oil.

While production of oil has its own huge environmental problems, at least Lego bricks themselves are very stable, so they are good for storing carbon and keeping it off the atmosphere and oceans. And if they were made from, say, metal instead of plastic, the environmental impact of production wouldn't be any less, I bet.

Comment Re:Rent a Tesla for $1 (Score 1) 335

Buying used cars is a much better financial proposition in most (but not all) cases and it's only the cachet of having a new car that keeps people going into the showrooms.

Well, not really only that. It's a balance. If less people would give value to being the first owner, then either price of new cars would drop (but I don't think there's much margin for it to drop), or price of used cars would go up to match the higher demand.

No doubt the average lifespan of a car would also go up, so there would be a temporary (might last up to a decade if everything else stayed the same, but still temporary) lump in the sales of new cars. Still, after a time these now more popular used cars would be so old that maintaining them would no longer be economically sensible, and sales of new cars would pick up again to replace those.

Also, new cars might not be as tough or as cheap to maintain as the existing old cars (because old crap gets scrapped, there's selection...), but they certainly are better in many ways: quieter, more economical, more silent, safer, better equipped even with the entry level model, etc.

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