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Comment Re:Let them drink! (Score 2) 532

Perhaps you should look at the source of the problem, which is companies in bed with government. This produces subsidies, such as those on corn. This allows producers to use things like corn syrup for far less than it costs to produce. Banning the product at the retail end is idiotic when you've got politicians incentivizing the use at a national level.

Using laws to change social norms is stupid, because it doesn't work without having serious negative consequences which outweigh any possible good results. It's stupid when applied to drugs, it's stupid when applied to romantic relationships between adults, and it's stupid when applied to foods. Nationalizing the cost of dealing with stupid behavior doesn't give those supporting nationalization of the cost the right to dictate the causative behavior. It's like a county stealing a private driveway, giving taxpayers the upkeep cost, and then demanding that the people who used to own the driveway stop driving a truck because it damages the driveway more than a car. Everything has an effect on health; nationalizing healthcare costs doesn't give anyone the right to dictate behavior any more than they could dictate it before the nationalization of costs. Unfortunately, the same forces that mold bad eating habits mold opinions on what 50% +1 of the population can demand of any given minority (or majority, so long as that majority isn't united and/or doesn't vote).

It's funny to watch partisans try to pigeonhole people based on a single position. While I'm not the OP, I actually do wholeheartedly support allowing people to kill themselves because they're too stupid to avoid the behavior that ultimately shortens their lifespan. And no, I'm not a Republican. I'm a pragmatist, which is a type of person who doesn't actually fit into either the Democratic or the Republican parties, as they're both based mostly in Fantasyland.

Comment Re:Let them drink! (Score 1) 532

Not encouraging those activities; refraining from prohibiting those activities is not anywhere close to encouraging them. l shudder every time someone conflates those two things. Education is utterly devoid of logic these days, which is how this sort of thing spreads. It's like a disease.

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