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Comment Re:And children of public school cheerleaders (Score 1) 715

Your parents paid tuition there in addition to paying public school tuition for their entire lives (property taxes + income taxes). As long as people pay for the system, public school cheerleaders don't care where you send your kids. They only care when your taxes follow your kids.

People didn't like Washington's Running Start program for high school juniors and seniors because taxes followed them to pay for tuition at State colleges. Never mind the excellent education for capable students, or that it kept students like myself from dropping out completely. They don't care if you drop out, but don't dare try to use the money for another institution.

Comment Re:OpenBSD (Score 1) 189

Only for rigorous science is that actually very important. Lack of any evidence corroborating a relationship (when you have reason to believe you have examined all modes in which such a relationship could take place) is indeed very good cause to believe no relationship exists between two entities.

Comment Re:OpenBSD (Score 1) 189

Only for the most rigorous standards is the lack of ability to 100% "prove a negative" relevant. Most things have a much lower bar, and the lack of any corroborating evidence of a relationship is actually pretty easy to provide with decent transparency.

Given the revelations of Snowden, claims of paranoia just don't have the same impact they once did.

Comment Re:OK.. (Score 1) 123

No, what makes this particular group evil is that they want to turn another nation into a theocracy. It has nothing to do with their names or skin color. I have no problem with Muslims who are not evil, and that constitutes the majority of all Muslims. Religious fundamentalists are a problem, regardless of what religion they claim to be operating on behalf of.

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