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Comment Following the twisty little pattern of logic (Score 1) 365

So, if the senator believes that we are arrogant to believe that humans can effect climate change, and the God is doing it all by Himself, doesn't that imply that God is not exactly nice? That He's earnestly trying to make our lives difficult? Maybe that He's one inimical being bent on destroying us?

Excuse me, time to go worship at the temple of Yog-Sothoth.

Comment NC has become a very scary place recently (Score 1) 555

Some of the crap we've had to deal with down here with the veto-proof GOP takeovers of both houses of the legislature in 2010 includes:
  • The state legislature interfering with local school boards (Wake and Guilford counties)
  • Banning the use of LEED standards for public buildings (not just not requiring, banning)
  • Jim Crow 2.0, oops, I mean, Voter ID laws (cuz there's fraud to be seen, if you really squint hard enough)
  • Not just loosening enviro standards for fracking, but letting Halliburton re-write the rules
  • Gutting pre-K educational funding
  • ..and at least one legislator proposing a state religion in a bill that eventually was scuttled

So believe me, this is an incredibly minor incident, compared to the other B.S. that's been foisted on us by Art Pope and his cronies in the legislature and (since 2012) the governor's mansion. (I have friends who have protested in Raleigh and were arrested for trespassing as a result.) And oh yeah, nobody has explained how any of this will create jobs in a state that consistently has an unemployment rate that's 2% greater than the US average.

Comment Re:Good way to cut healthcare taxes. (Score 1) 842

If only that were the case. The problem is that the higher costs are spread throughout the entire insurance risk pool (that is, everybody, even if the perpetrators are uninsured, oddly enough). If you smoke, I end up paying for it, one way or another. And IMO your right to your own particular lifestyle ought to end at my wallet.

Personally, I think smokers should be forced to waive any insurance or government benefits for treating the diseases they're foisting on themselves, period.

Comment Damn socialist nanny state (Score 1) 842

You commie liberals won't tell me what I can and cannot eat, drink, inhale, ingest, imbibe, consume, quaff, or absorb! I'm sick of government intrusion! So what if I drive up health care costs for everybody? I pay enough taxes already - too much in fact, for everything I get, without you whiny tards telling me what's good for me! If I want to sit on my front porch and eat an entire stick of butter in one sitting one day, you better stay the hell away! When I finally get up, if my knees can take it, you'll be looking down the barrel of my shotgun! YOU WILL TAKE MY FREEDOM BUTTER WHEN YOU PRY MY COLD DEAD FINGERS FROM IT !!!!1!!!!!

Comment How many from EDS? (Score 1) 291

I know at least one (talented) person who has been let go from what was once EDS. I'm willing to bet that a lot more less-talented ones are on the way out.

Seriously. I really don't know what GM did to EDS before HP bought them, but from the stories I've heard, they have to be the largest collection of mental defectives to run an IT shop. Their processes were totally divorced from reality. I half expected Randall P. McMurphy to show up as new employee one day.

I'm no fan of "resource actions", having been through 2 myself, but purging the Enterprise Services division, or whatever EDS has been re-christened, was probably long long overdue.


Comment NUMMI (Score 1) 233

Check out the installment of "This American Life" (the NPR radio show) on the history of NUMMI, and how GM completely failed to capitalize on it, long before their implosion. Seriously, it's a fascinating installment, and one that echoes lessons from business school, particularly in the areas of operations and strategic transformation. I really really recommend it.

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