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Comment Car insurance is illegal, then? (Score 1) 795

It's not enforced at the federal level, but AFAIK, everyone who wishes to own a motor vehicle in the States is required by (state) law to buy auto insurance or face a fine.

(The only defense against this counter-example I've ever heard is that "driving is a luxury". This argument does not hold up for those of us who must commute to work.)

Comment Yum, the smell of fresh toast.. (Score 1) 210

Retrofitting Symbian to compete with Android or iOS is folly. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the latter two are fundamentally Unix-based (iOS being a stripped down MacOS X, and Android running on a Linux kernel -- man it was weird to see a penguin and boot screen on a candy bar-sized object..). So they probably leave Symbian in the dust for robustness and reliability, by virtue of the size of each of the development communities alone. Then there's the issue of availability of development environments.

This is a last-ditch effort at best. If Nokia doesn't switch platforms soon, they are screwed.

Comment Re:This is why I have so little pity for liberal a (Score 1, Troll) 118

My biggest beef with the OP's argument is its implicit premise that a university education should only train a student for a job. Nonsense!

Yes, it would be nice to have a job waiting in one's field after graduating, but let's be honest with ourselves. Chances are, you will NOT have the same career in 5,10, or 20 years after college. And a liberal arts college can provide the education you need to adapt to changing times. (Did you attend an engineering school with crummy English or philosophy departments?* Too bad, you probably won't make that transition to law you might have been contemplating. It helps to know how to write in that field, IIRC.)

Besides, who said "education" had to be practical? College is the one time in your life when you get to learn about things that genuinely interest you. Why not take advantage of it?

*(Disclaimer: I did, but for graduate study. I thanked God for my little liberal arts college degree, once it was time for me to write my master's thesis.)

Comment Re:Yes, I have a very obvious immunity. (Score 1) 495

Me too, sort of. A congenital defect left my right eye with 20/400 vision at best. Most 3-D is just lost on me.

I also have a stronger desire to strangle the guy who invented those stereoscopic dot pictures in the 1990s. I wasn't just tired of them, the goddamn things gave me really painful headaches. I hope that asshole is in his own private circle of hell where everything is just slightly out of focus.


Submission + - Raleigh Councilman to Google: Name My Kids ( 1

Anonymous Meoward writes: In what may be the weirdest perk proposed by a municipal authority to entice business, city councilman Bonner Gaylord has offered to name his unborn children Sergey and Larry, after the founders of Google, if the search giant it will build its proposed high-speed fiberoptic network in Raleigh. (And if the kids are boys.)

Disputed Island Disappears Into Sea 460

RawJoe writes "India and Bangladesh have argued for almost 30 years over control of a tiny island in the Bay of Bengal. Now rising sea levels have ended the argument for them: the island's gone. From the article: 'New Moore Island, in the Sunderbans, has been completely submerged, said oceanographer Sugata Hazra, a professor at Jadavpur University in Calcutta. Its disappearance has been confirmed by satellite imagery and sea patrols, he said. "What these two countries could not achieve from years of talking, has been resolved by global warming," said Hazra.'"

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