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Comment Re:For those with ebook readers (Score 1) 162

your position is quite reasonable, but in this days and media ages...

many type of media and entertainment productions simply disappear after few (3-5) years period, at least in any reasonably accessible publication up to completely disappearance.

so copyright much longer than this could mean that a work of some worth simply disappear to oblivion, cutting the copyright limitation will encourage it's circulation and if of enough value it could make publicity for new works of the same author!

Comment Re:Question: What is a human? (Score 1) 422

I couldn't speack about every branch of scientific research, but from here (italy unfortunately core of the catholic church) they oppose much about applying scientific findings for the betterment of mankind for example:

- condom to avoid venereal malady diffusion
- contraception in general to avoid underage pregnancy and other cases of undesired child
- artificial insemination to help family to have child when natural methods fail
- abortion pill to avoid phisical intrusive abortion
- ecc....

and if those were only for the faitfull, well, their choice, but when the vatican instigate italian politician (another nation!) to make law that prohibit those things to all italians comprised the majority that's christian only nominally or agnostic or atheist, well it's a problem!

Comment Re:Let me be the first one to ask it ... (Score 1) 1870

consider it this way:

there always were and always will be some people that take some content (music or film or book) for free (library, tv, public concert, lending, radios etc.)

this could have been an immediate loss in some case (exp when one see a bad film or hear a bad song before buying the cd or dvd and decide to not buy it!)
or could be free pubblicity that make a huge profit in the future (for example when young i read tons of book from the public library, now that i have cash i bought many of the best and a lot more from the same autors)

the concept is that some free lunch always existed, and with modern technology it's so easy that there must be some changment in those industries.

that could be draconian DRM to try to maintain an old system that doesn't work anymore....

or could be some kind of restructuring that allow all law abiding citizens of the world to easily and quickly access to all the content they want and pay what they estimate it's worth for them, using the free copies as publicity for theirs product.

decidedly not an easy transition!

and if you think that 90% of the films and songs are propriety of only 3-4 distribution giants you could see where the problem is.
there is only few cartel, not a market were more publicity of your product mean an huger share of the market so that someone could encourage this changeover

Comment Re:Hmmm (Score 2, Interesting) 330

on our mailservers 97-98% of the mails are blocked by greylisting, of the remaining a considerable portion is still spam or virus carrier.

yesterday we had about 103000 incoming mail of what as much as 3000 where accepted by greylisting, after that there are the antispam and antivirus...

Comment Re:God save the Queen!! (Score 1) 363

The UK functions almost entirely on unspoken agreements. We don't have an official constitution- but we do have an unspoken agreement that one is there, and that you're not allowed to change it (although political parties have wanted to do so plenty of times). We don't have protected constitutional rights- but we do have unspoken agreement that governments aren't allowed to repeal those rights that aren't there or else something bad might happen (and curiously enough, that one's always seemed to work).

The Queen very much exists in a state of perpetual unspoken agreement. Although technically we're all her property, we all agree not to make a fuss as long as she never tries to exert her ownership in any way (and she doesn't). Although technically she has supreme power of governance, we're all happy to ignore that fact for as long as no-one mentions it too loudly. Technically we can't oust her without violent revolution, but in actuality we all know that we can (as have many of her subjects in ex-Empire countries);

now I understud where terry pratchet had taken the form of government of lancree monarchy! there are some sentences in the 23th book of the diskword seried (carpe jugulum) that are about identical to the ones quoted above!

Comment Re:Hey, why not just steal GPL code? (Score 1) 273

And I'm shocked that there are so many people here who believe "copyright" is anything but a land grab for those who cannot create.

that's because few know that copyright was born when the old corporation of the copyst found himself surrounded by more capable, independent printers, and so petitioned the king (of england) for a "copy right" for themselves only.

all things that follow are nothing more than a composition of this monopolistic vision.

Comment Re:Not ignorance, fear (Score 1) 227

as always when the argument of DRM and related matters come at hand i suggest everyone to read the essays of eric flint a sf writer and editor for one of the few on-line only sf magazines baen-univers

at this page you all could read many illuminating essays about copyright and DRM mainly related to the book industry but not only

start from the bottom of the page and skip the editorial articles and the only story and you will have a series of illuminations on the topic!

Comment Re:Interesting... (Score 2, Informative) 242

When Alfred Russell Wallace wrote Darwin about this new theory he was working on, Darwin suddenly got in a hurry to get his published first. If he hadn't we could have been celebrating a Wallace-year instead of a Darwin-year

not exactly.

the story goes (at least for what i remember of "the origin of the species" that i recently read)
that darwin were working to his theory for some forty-fifty years, when he received this mail about practically identical ideas from wallace, then some friend of him insisted that he pubblish his theory before wallace do, but he insisted to clarify with wallace first, and wallace insisted that darwin pubblish his work (that contain some thousand of pages, cases and example to support his theory).

the final result is "the origin of the species" a quick exposition of his theory with some reference to the tons of material he collected and a thoroughly detailed introductory chapter with names and ideas of all who contributed to the ideas on the field, his grand father, lamark and wallace for example.

Comment Re:How to Falsify Evolution (Score 3, Informative) 951

unfortunately i can't muster enough stamina to read all the statement form this AC, but if he whant an example of evolution he should read this

an article about an evolution of a new genetic trait in bacteria, and it is a reproducible experiment!

that perhaps prove evolution?

Comment Re:You demean those who have suffered before (Score 1) 289

..... i do think we're implementing the tools totalitarian dicators dream of. I hope we manage to keep electing the right people.

electing the right people, yeah, like here in italy where the worst prime minister of all times just told that he want to change the constitution so that he does not have to have his emergency legislation submitted to the head of state signing.

that after he hastily made a law to prohibit to let die a poor person that has been in comatose state for last 17 years (not even eutanasia, simply cease the forced alimentation)
law that was refused by the president because anti costitutional.

search englaro case for information.

for example this

Comment Re:Voodoo Science (Score 1) 684

for you to formulate this conjecture, seems to me you are one of the innumerable people that does not know that in the last decade many accelerators already produced microscopic and extremely volatile black hole.

and know what?
we are still here!

at least until ecological catastrophy provoked by global climate alteration, global war provoked by scarcity of resource, global epidemics owed to research in bacteriological weapon or other human production bring us to an end.

you really should not bother whit the LHC whit the other problems aroud...

nothing new here, move along.

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