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Comment Re:yep, always threaten my kids (Score 1) 397

A smart child won't tell you what the most valued toy/item is in case it is used against them for punishment (taking away xbox etc). So the most expensive item may very will be the item they truly like and you're just a wind bag in their eyes. I am being a bit tongue in cheek here - I realize the lessons your trying to teach them - just poking fun.

Comment Re:Not an easy answer (Score 5, Insightful) 384

I'm in a similar situation only older . Here is what is working for me (going from D's to A- and B+'s)

You're older - it will take longer to assimilate information. Plan accordingly - that means studying on the weekend in advance of the class not night before. Ask the professor to point to any large blocks of information that you should commit to memory at the beginning of the semester in preparation.

You are not a sponge - all night-ers are not going to help. Give yourself at least two nights of rest and then test your recall.

Taking twice as long on tests seems on the long end - I take about 1.5x the time of traditional students on tests. Realize that some of them don't know the material either so are just turning in what they can. That said get a learning disability test to see if you do need special considerations (it may just be using a quiet area to take a test with no people around is all you need to focus).

Usually (depending on field) the lower division courses are memorization and the upper division courses show how parts work in systems which is the important aspects.

Try and see your study material in an applied setting. Putting pictures/experience to terms that need to be memorized is vital.

Good luck.

Comment Re:Movies (Score 1) 322

I like Eve Online, subscriber for close to a decade (2 accounts). A book is way more immersive than this game. I'll admit that I haven't encountered E.O. role players maybe they have different experiences but only thing that's sci-fi about Eve is the setting and the jump gates. The setting might be argued as a big components but it's fairly static. There is no real new discovery just existing things are occasionally dynamic Wormholes are the only thing that come to mind.

Comment Re:Skype and other things. (Score 1) 337

Don't envy them too much. There is a high value placed on text messaging, response time and if something seems off then the analysis of what was said, when, how gets flayed out like an anatomy lab with the closest friend/clique. I have watched this phenomena play out the last 3.5 years and I always pity the fool who screwed up a response.

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